What Is My Love Language?


When it comes to love, who knew it could be so difficult to find a way to express it? Some people have it easier . . . while others struggle. If you feel like you’re stuck in love limbo, it’s essential to ask yourself the question, “What is my love language?”


Once you dig in and find the best way for you to show love AND receive love, it’s a big stress reliever for yourself and others. 

What Is My Love Language?

The thing about finding your love language is to understand there are multiple types. It can actually be quite beneficial to take a love language quiz so you can narrow it down and find a solid path. 

How many love languages are there?

If you’ve dated a lot of people in your life, you might think there’s an infinite amount. But that guy who showed love by catching spiders and giving them to you totally doesn’t count.

There are five love languages that fit almost all people.

The five most common love languages are: 

  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch
  • Receiving gifts

By reading those love language options, you might think you know immediately where you fall, but honestly, you might be wrong. 

You also might think you know exactly what your partner is looking when it comes to love. And you just might be wrong about that as well. 

love language

How do I know my love language?

A valid question — and one we probably have, or have had at some point in our lives.

To know your love language, you need to be committed to finding out the answer. This is about real love — for the rest of your life.

And if you’re not really interested in finding out for yourself, take the love language test to become better educated for your partner.

You’ll be amazed once you slow down, stop overthinking what others “should” be doing for you to show love, and just let them know what you’re needing. Your entire view on love can easily shift for the better.


Finding out how your mind and body react to the love that you’re wanting can be an easy fix to helping the communication, love, and even sex life in your marriage

Make a love language list

Once you realize your love language, make a list of how it makes you feel. Add the things you’re hoping to learn from this information as well.

How do you want to love your partner moving forward, and how do you want them to love you?

Just by TELLING them (respectfully) that you prefer love to be shown a certain way, it may clear up YEARS of confusion and hurt feelings. And it could start a whole new chapter in your relationship. 





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