When is the Right Time to Start Your Family?


So, you’re thinking about having a baby. You’re excited at the prospect, but a little nervous too. That’s normal — after all, becoming a parent is a life-changing decision. How do you know if the time is right to start a family?

The answer will depend on a number of factors. Are you in good health and ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a child? Are you willing to put a baby’s needs ahead of yours for years to come? Do you have other dreams or pursuits — such as traveling or buying a house — that you want to achieve first?

If you are part of a couple, is your relationship stable? Is your partner ready for children? If you become a single parent, consider how much support you might have from family and friends.

Think about the practical ramifications as well. Are your finances in order? Who will care for the child if you plan to work? Do you have enough space in your home? Have you thought about your current lifestyle and how it will change?

Take time reflect on your expectations of parenthood (and your partner’s too, if you are part of a couple). In addition to talking to other parents, the accompanying infographic can help you decide whether or not you are ready to have a baby.

Guide created by Natera


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