Would You Rather Questions For Kids Is A Must-Use Boredom Crasher


Get ready for a fun family time! “Would You Rather” questions for kids are the perfect way to get the conversation flowing and have everyone share their thoughts. 

The best part about family games is that they bring everyone closer without having to force it. These questions are a fun tool to use in the car, at home, or just when you’re all sitting around and feeling bored.


Check out this list of “this or that” questions for kids that will have everyone laughing and ready for more! 

Would You Rather Questions for Kids

mom asking would you rather questions for kids around the dinner table
Photo credit: Adobe Photo Stock

The best part about these questions is that you can always add in your own. These are just a few to get your brain flowing and to help you get the ball rolling. 

  • Would you rather eat pizza every day or ice cream every day?
  • Would you rather go to Disney or Hawaii?
  • Would you rather have a new baby in the family or five new puppies?
  • Would you rather sleep all day or mow the lawn?
  • Would you rather swim with the dolphins or swim with the manatees?
  • Would you rather play in the mud or play in the sand? 
  • Would you rather celebrate your birthday every day for a year or Christmas every day for a year? 
  • Would you rather take a trip to a new country or upgrade your bedroom?
  • Would you rather have detention for a year or be grounded for a year?
  • Would you rather play baseball or basketball?
  • Would you rather take horseback riding lessons or skiing lessons?
  • Would you rather eat all your Halloween candy in one day or spread it out over a year?
  • Would you rather skip Christmas or skip Halloween?
  • Would you rather plant flowers or plant a garden?
  • Would you rather keep your name or give yourself a new name?
  • Would you rather paint the house or wash the car?
  • Would you rather run a marathon or swim 10 miles?
  • Would you rather bike to the store or walk to the store?
  • Would you rather buy books or check out library books?
  • Would you rather go fishing or go sailing? 
  • Would you rather wrap presents or put them in gift bags?
  • Would you rather dye your hair or shave your head?
  • Would you rather give up all your Friday nights or give up your allowance
  • Would you rather eat a whole cheesecake or eat an entire pan of brownies? 
  • Would you rather ride a camel or ride an elephant?
  • Would you rather go to a rodeo or go to a play?
  • Would you rather join a book club or a LEGO club? 

As you can see, the questions can be totally random but all of them will have everyone giving their answers! 

The more questions and examples you can ask, the better! This is such a fun way to get to know the kids a little bit better and how their minds work.

You just may find you’re surprised by some of the answers they give! 


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