12 Hilarious Cringe-Worthy Kid Drawings That Will Make You LOL


We cherish our children’s first expressions of imagination and love. As parents we oooh and aaah over beautiful kid drawings of hearts and flowers and what often just looks like poop and nonsense.  Then we find out it really is poop and nonsense.


Here is to all the artists starving for snack time. From early stick figures to superheroes of dubious origins, our kids never fail to make us proud.

(And snort laugh!)

Laugh with us at this collection of artwork by kids, and their hilarious perspective of the world around them.


  1. Just precious. (Mia Carella, Writer)


2. Not afraid to say what’s what. (Perfection Pending by Meredith Ethington)


3. Here he is to save the day! (Mama Needs A Nap by Lauri Walker)


4. Do NOT mess with Jesus. (The Messy Christian)


5. Show ALL of your work.  (My Little Villagers)


6. That does NOT look like a Big Pumpkin.  (Julie Burton / Writer)


7. She gave her bad hair, too. That’s just mean. (Five Oclock Mommy)


8. Finding inspiration. (21st Century SAHM)


9. Family portraits with love. (I Might Be Funny)


10. Not all artists are appreciated in their own time. (Mom Babble by Mary Katherine Backstrom)

11. Future artist or future leader? (We’ll Eat You Up, We Love You So by Shannon Brescher Shea)


12. Fact.  (No Domestic Diva)







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