To The Mom Who Got Out Of Bed Today, I’m Proud of You


To the mom who got out of bed today,

I know you’re tired. I know you could have laid there all day if you had the chance. Instead, you put your feet on the floor, & got up anyway.

I’m proud of you.


To the mom who stays home with her children everyday,

I know you miss adult conversations & having time to yourself. I know you feel cooped up sometimes. I know you’ve sacrificed a lot to be there. But staying home is what is best for you & your family.

I commend you.

To the mom who dropped off her kids at the sitter & went to work today,

I know it’s hard to trust others with your children. I know leaving them can be scary. I know you miss them tremendously, but you go to work to provide for your family. You go to work to give yourself a sense of purpose, & to pursue a career alongside motherhood.

I am inspired by you.

To the mom who breastfed her child today,

I know it’s been painful. I know how difficult it can be. I know how hard you’ve worked. I know you’ve sacrificed so much of your body, energy, & time, but with strength & dedication, your body is capable of producing all the nutrients your baby needs.

I congratulate you.

To the mom who bottle feeds her baby,

I know you may feel judged or misunderstood. I know you feel cheated by your body. I know how many bottles you have to wash & how much formula you have to buy, but bottle feeding is the best option for your family.

I support you.

To the mom who sleeps with her child every night,

I know you may not sleep through most nights. I know you miss sleeping alone with your spouse. I know you don’t love those cold feet in the small of your back, but you like having your baby close. Sleeping together makes you & your child feel safe.

I appreciate you.

To the mom whose child sleeps in the other room,

I know how exhausting sleep training is. I know you go crazy hearing phantom baby cries as you start to fall asleep. I know you’re constantly checking the baby monitor, but I know how much you need your space in order to rest.

I understand you.

To the mom who didn’t want to play today,

I know how boring it can be. I know you’re just tired & you’re not in the mood to be silly. I know you feel guilty, but you shouldn’t. Playing isn’t always fun for us moms. Your toddler will be just fine playing independently.

I relate to you.

To the mom who yells & gets angry,

I know how many times you’ve had to repeat yourself. I know that you’re exhausted & you’ve been pushed to your limit. I know you hate yourself for being mean, but you are frustrated. Your feelings are validated. Being a mom is very challenging.

I hear you.

To the mom who hid herself in the bathroom to cry,

I know you are overwhelmed. I know you feel like you can’t do this. Today was a bad day, but you can do this. Let it out, cry as hard as you need to. I know it’s hard.

I see you.

To the mom who feels alone everyday,

I know you feel isolated. I know you are afraid to tell people how you feel. I know you don’t think you relate to the other moms, but I promise, we all know exactly how you feel. You are not alone.

I am with you.

To every mom,

I know how often we doubt ourselves as mothers. I know how easy it is to compare ourselves to one another. I know the world puts so much pressure on us to be perfect, but we are already perfect in our own unique ways. There is no right or wrong way to be a mom. At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to raise halfway-decent human beings. Let the pressures of the world roll off your back.

To every mom, you’re doing a great job.

To every mom, I applaud you.

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  1. This is so great to see/hear! I am a mom of 6 kids (spaced over the course of 14 years). When people would ask me about handling my kids, I’d say “It’s like juggling; once you learn how to manage the third ball, adding one more isn’t quite such a big deal.” And, while that is true, it is also true that adding that 3rd ball in juggling is something I’ve never done. ?
    My youngest is 10 now and I have 3 who are legally adults (2 of whom are out of the house as well). I wish I could say it’s easier, but reality is that it’s just different.
    While my freak outs when they were younger was because I was surrounded by them all the time & put all my dreams on hold, these days they’re because I’m watching them go through challenges of their own and watching them struggle. And I don’t even have the really hard stuff many parents face with kids who make bad choices with huge long-term consequences. No one is homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol or pregnant (at least not yet). But I know and love parents (& kids) that do.
    You’re absolutely right that parenting today is tough and all parents who are making tough choices about their families need support! For decades now, I’ve been surrounded by parents who are at wits end and don’t talk about it or who mask it and both judge and feel judged because of it. It’s a good and healthy thing for us to start taking the masks off and getting real with each other, so please keep up the good work!

  2. I bottle feed and am not at all cheated by my body, how offensive. Breastfeeding would have been cheating my body in the form of continued reduced bodily autonomy and decreased mental health. I was never once tempted and I’m proud to announce my feeding style to anyone who asks.


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