18 Hilarious Tweets From Parents Who Know Teachers Are The Unsung Heroes


With the new school year upon us, we parents owe a debt of gratitude to the fearless individuals who dare to take on daunting task of educating the future of tomorrow- our kids’ teachers.

Teachers should be celebrated for the tremendous effort & devotion that they put into their jobs on a daily basis. These hilarious Twitter parents are here to remind us just how lucky we are to have them in our lives!

  1. Teachers should be appreciated all year round (so should summer assignments).

2. Their enthusiasm is a great contrast to our -shall we say?- summer fatigue.

3. They have the gift of getting kids to listen,

4. And their patience is admirable. Some say miraculous.

5. We’re thankful for how they easily break down subject material for our kids…

6. …so that we don’t have to.

7. Teachers have a way of making learning fun. And occasionally DELICIOUS.

8. They provide their students with lifelong skills… or try, to, anyway.

9. Their ability to model appropriate behavior is, well, F*n AMAZING!

10. Teachers deserve a medal just for dealing with the noise. All.Day.Long.

11. We come to depend on them during the school year- especially on school breaks.

12. Teachers listen, & care when our kids share things with them. All the things.

13. Students are #1 on their priority list- above going #1. Now THAT’S dedication.

14. Teachers are great about keeping us informed. Really, really great. REALLY.

15. We parents want to properly reward teachers for their efforts.

16. Teachers make a lasting impression… not just on the kids (We NEED you!).

17. In fact, their legacy lives on… long after they do.

18.  Before you know it, we’ll be back to missing them all over again!

Thank you, teachers, for all that you do!


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