5 Tricks For Coping With Fall Sadness


For some people, fall is not a fun-filled, joyful season at all. It may be quite sad to see shorter days, rainy evenings, and long, lonely nights stuck at home. But there are some ways to fight that fall funk and turn it into a treasured season!


Here are five tricks for coping with fall sadness to get you started:

Exercise, At Least A Little

Many scientists agree that people who exercise, even for just a short period every day, suffer from depression and melancholy less than people who don’t exercise at all.

Studies have shown that exercising releases endorphins and other chemicals that can create a sensation of happiness and help people to cope with stress.

So try to move a little bit more than you do now. Do a short five-minute morning routine or sign up for a gym membership if you can. You’ll feel better, get healthier, and your mood will surely improve.

Just . . . Smile!

Another trick that combats seasonal depression is turning up the corners of your mouth! SMILE!

Even if you feel sad, try making yourself smile. You can change your bad mood drastically with a simple smirk. Scientists have discovered that so-called Duchenne smiles or even fake laughs engage your eye muscles as well as those near your mouth. Facial exercise to improve your mood!

When you feel blue, just give it a try. Smiling may turn out to be the best remedy for you!

Eat Well

You can also improve your general mood by eating well and getting essential vitamins from healthy meals. Fruits and vegetables are the holy grail in this case, full of valuable minerals and vitamins that can boost your mood.

Fruits and vegetables are also high in nutrients such as Vitamin C and beta-carotene. These antioxidants can help fight free radicals that disturb body functioning and, in turn, improve your health and mood.

fall sadness

Get More Light

Fall means a lot less sunlight than during the summer months. This can have a drastic negative impact on how you view the world and how you feel inside.

Fight the darkness by trying to get as much light as possible wherever you are. Brighten your home or office with a few extra lamps or installed light fixtures. Or light a bunch of candles and create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Also, be sure to get out more on sunny days. Reap the good days while you can!

Find A Cozy Fall Spot And Read

Some feel the best way to cope with fall sadness is to escape from it somewhere sunny and happy — and the quickest way to find such place is in books!

Reading can help you forget about your sadness as you place yourself in the magical world of fiction or learning about something you love in a nonfiction book. And enjoying a nice warm cup of tea while you read can stimulate your mood even more.

Fall really is just one short season.

So try to count your blessings, hug your loved ones, take care of yourself, and don’t forget to share your feelings. Love is the best remedy!



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