7th Grade Teacher Asks Students For Best Advice They’ve Received & They’re Hilariously Spot On


Sometimes it can feel like our kids aren’t listening. We do our best to impart all of our wisdom to prepare them for the world, and all they hear is, “Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.”


If an adult gives important, noteworthy advice to a kid, do they even hear it?

Well good news, parents! Apparently, they do.

A teacher in Palm Springs known on TikTok as @7thgradechronicles asked his students “What is a good piece of advice an adult in your household has ever given you,” & boy, did they deliver.

His students wrote the “words of wisdom” out on sticky notes (because we all know the most important information ALWAYS goes on a sticky note) and he shared them on TikTok.

The video has quickly gone viral with over 900K views, 86K likes, and 1K comments.

The responses were profound. And hilarious. And clearly illustrate that you should always, always, listen to your mother (& father).

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

The first piece of advice?

“When your mom is angry start cleaning.” 

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

As a mom, I completely endorse this advice.

Chances are good that the anger is a direct result of how much shit you’ve left lying around. If you start hearing mutterings like, “Who put this here?” “Why is there a sock in the middle of the stairs?” “Why does NO ONE know how to use the dishwasher?” and the like, it’s time to take action.

Even if the rage has absolutely nothing to do with the state of the house, picking up a broom or a dust cloth can’t hurt. Explosive outbursts can often be quickly extinguished with the soothing sound of a vacuum or dirty dishes being rinsed.

And putting away your stuff does have other benefits, especially when your little cousin comes around.

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

Just ask one commenter who’s clearly experienced the agony of this lesson first hand. Bye-bye favorite Barbie doll:

screenshot of TikTok comment on 7thgradechronicles

Another solid piece of advice?

“Never go to target for one thing.”

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

I gotta say, I’m feeling a little called out on this one. Also, truth. Target syndrome is REAL.

Cost of “one” item at Target: $246.12

Cost of this advice: Priceless

There were also priceless nuggets of truth when it comes to dealing with life’s disappointments. One word, TACOS.

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

This pretty much sums up my entire repertoire of coping mechanisms. This and chocolate.

Nothing was left off the table. From shopping advice to parenting advice to relationship advice, there was a little something for everyone.

When it comes to parents?

“Always tell mom she looks good even if she doesn’t”.

(This kid is going places.)

As for parenting itself, just remember, it’s a job and you’re not going to love it one hundred percent of the time.

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

(And I feel like they should have added the caveat: BUT we will always love you one hundred percent of the time).

Relationship advice included:

“Don’t date until college bc boys are stinky & gross.”


“The best advice is if you have a gf, always have a backup.”

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

We’re asking ourselves the exact.same.thing.

Some of the advice wasn’t advice per se. Rather, it was more of a manifesto of sorts.

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

Which, granted seems a little harsh. But it’s also important to teach our kids that their actions have consequences. And so do their grades, apparently.

screenshot of TikTok comment on 7thgradechronicles

In response to this one @7thgradechronicles added this in the comments:

“To be fair, a lot of these responses come from Honors students I teach. I think it’s more them poking fun at the fact that their parents hold them to a high academic standard in comparison to some of their peers. The student is attempting to be playful.”

This TikTok is just the latest in a series of “Ask my students” assignments.

His previous one, “What is something your parents or guardians do that makes you cringe?” has gone viral with over 7.5M views.


What parents do that make middle schoolers cringe. #middleschool #teachersoftiktok #teacherlife #teacher #teachertok #7thgrade

? Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It – Will Smith

Some of the offending actions include (in no particular order):

  • Listening to Katy Perry (boom, boom, boom) 
  • Dad still wearing Speedos
  • Saying “that’s tight” (while wearing said speedos, probably)
  • Dabbing
  • Doing TikTok dances (hopefully in the middle of Target, while shopping together)

And my personal favorite:

screenshot of TikTok by 7thgradechronicles

Girl, yasssssssss.

It’s obvious that this guy is an amazing teacher, has a great sense of humor, and his students love him.

Which is more than we can say for this commenter’s grade 7 teacher.


screenshot of TikTok comment on 7thgradechronicles

I wonder if it was Hellmann’s?

While we can’t confirm it, we’re pretty sure @7thgradechronicles doesn’t smell like mayo. And he definitely doesn’t have a perm.

You can see for yourself here:


7th Graders are back w/ some words of wisdom! middleschoolteacher middleschool teachersoftiktok teacherlife teacher 7thgrade teacherlife

? I Don’t Like It, I Love It (feat. Robin Thicke & Verdine White) – Flo Rida



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