For The Guy That Loves A Single Mom


This is for the guy that loves a single mom.


For the ones that maybe don’t want to have their own kids, but still love ours just as hard.

For the ones that build the toys, play the games, and sit in the hard bleachers. 

Being a single mom isn't easy, and neither is loving one. It comes with a lot of new territory learning how to be a stepfather or stepdad when you maybe didn't plan on being one. This honest post about step parenting is so true. #stepparent #stepdad #singlemom

For the ones that worry when they’re sick, for the ones that worry when they’re hurt, for the ones that just worry.

For the ones that help celebrate birthdays, Christmases, and for the ones that make a big deal about Mother’s Day even though, even though.

This is for the guys that say yes to the special kind of difficulty that comes with single mommas. The kind of difficulty that includes custody schedules, school schedules, and her ex-husband’s vacation schedule.

For the ones that roll over in the middle of the night to make room for our babies, for the ones that share their french fries with our babies, and for the ones that answer every single question that our babies come up with – even though they don’t have to.

This is for the guys that suddenly find themselves clenching fingers that fit into their warm palms while crossing a street.

For the guys that suddenly find themselves teaching a kid manners, or for the guys that suddenly find themselves caring about the temperature in the backseat.

This is for the guys that take the time to walk down a new road – one they never thought would be for them. This is for the guys that say yes to the difficult and the terrifying.

Being a single mom isn't easy, and neither is loving one. It comes with a lot of new territory learning how to be a stepfather or stepdad when you maybe didn't plan on being one. This honest post about step parenting is so true. #stepparent #stepdad #singlemom

This is for the guys that say yes to not just us, but to our kids, too.

There’s really not a way that we can say thank you for the way you make our hearts swell each time you kneel next to our kids to tie shoes, to listen to stories, or to zip a coat.

There’s not really a way to say thank you for the way you ease our heavy burdens, or for the way you soften our troubles.

So each night, before we go to sleep, just know – that in our quiet whispers to The One, we take deep, deep breaths steeped with gratitude because of you. 

This is for the guy that loves a single mom. For the ones that maybe don’t want to have their own kids, but still love…

Posted by Rebecca Cooper, Author on Monday, January 14, 2019


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