Give it Time Mama


I read that you would know exactly what the baby’s cry meant: food, diaper change, comfort. A few days in I found myself panicking.

Does that mean she is hungry? Is she tired? I don’t know, it sounds exactly the same to me.


Give it time mama.

After a while I could anticipate what my baby girl would want based on small cues. Rubbing eyes, tired. Pursing her lips, hungry. And always, always check the diaper.

Just give it time.

It took me so long and so many pillows & positioning (including my husband’s assistance) to get my newborn baby to latch when breastfeeding that I wondered how in the world I was going to do it when we got home, and it was just me and my little one.

Give it time mama.

After a few weeks I could breastfeed while doing just about anything. At home, in a restaurant, with a cover and definitely without. It became second nature.

Just give it time.

I shuffled into the kitchen; my eyes red from lack of sleep.

I brewed a cup of coffee welcoming its intoxicating scent wondering when I would ever sleep more than three hours consecutively.

Give it time mama.

Eventually the feeds and needs spaced out further and further until it was time to move my baby girl into her own room in her own crib when I promptly bawled my eyes out because she felt too far away (because motherhood is weird)

Just give it time.

I cornered my husband after work one day and looking him in the eye said “I use to think I was smart but now I can’t even follow a conversation”

Give it time mama.

Little by little I started getting more consistent sleep and coincidently (or not) I started being able to form sentences again.

I could talk with another adult and occasionally even formulate a witty response.

Just give it time.

My toddler decided that the grocery store was the best place to have an epic meltdown. I picked her up all while she was kicking and screaming. Both of us in tears when we made it to the car.

Give it time mama.

It took a while (I’m talking years) But gradually she grew in speech and maturity until she was able to better communicate her needs. Meltdowns still occurred once in a while but not in the same epic proportions as before. There was less screaming and more laughter.

Just give it time.

I had my second baby when her older sister was two.

I felt like I didn’t have enough sets of hands and eyes to go in public with them alone. I guess I will stop all public outings, I thought to myself.

Give it time mama.

I figured out a system, somehow seamlessly transitioning both a toddler and newborn in and out of car seats and strollers. Each time becoming just a little bit easier until it felt like the new norm.

Give it time mama. Sometimes we just need to give it time.

This post originally appeared on the author’s Facebook page


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