Hilarious Viral Video Nails Exactly What Life With A Newborn Baby Is Like


When you’re expecting a baby, you have an idea of some what’s to come… or so you think. You try to prepare yourself for the sleep deprivation, the diaper blowouts, and the seemingly constant feeding. But those are the basics, my friends. Nothing can adequately prepare you for precisely what life with a newborn is really like- until you actually live it.


Well, this video does come pretty damn close though, and it’s HILARIOUS.

New mom Laura Clery, who rose to fame with her funny Facebook video series “Help Helen Smash”, posted a video featuring snippets of life as she and her husband Stephen Hilton adjust to life with their newborn son.

The video has instantly gone viral, earning over 60K likes & 26K shares in its first hour of posting. And the reason it’s such a “smash” hit is because virtually every second of the 3:50 clip is exactly what being a new parent is like.

The video is consists of a flurry of the best, worst, & funniest aspects of new parenthood. It immediately nails it with the first shot, of Laura gazing adoringly at her sleeping son, asking aloud, “How on earth did you come out of my vagina?”

And speaking of vaginas, there’s lots of vagina talk, because natural childbirth sure can do a number on the ladybits, you know? We’re talking ice packs. And cushions.

And the pain of sneezing making you feel as if your vajayjay just exploded:

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

The ice pack isn’t for her nipples, that are sore & cracked from breastfeeding (yup, Laura covers that, too). Nope, it’s for, well:

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

There it is.

And important to note- Laura’s pajamas and messy bun in most of the clips are SPOT ON in terms of authenticity, are they not? Both are standard uniform for new moms (and let’s face it, this look often extends WAY beyond the newborn parenting stage… I might be sporting that signature look right now, people. Just saying.)

How about that baby gear, by the way??

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

The word “poop” is batted around with casual abandon, because let’s face it- having a newborn requires you to morph into someone suddenly obsessive about the poop production of a tiny human being.

You ponder the color of the poop.

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

The frequency of poop- or lack thereof.

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

The explosiveness of the poop… newbies, you’ll learn. Oh, you’ll learn.

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

There are also the sweet moments of admiring their newborn’s tiny feet, imagining him being an adult one day, and being charmed by his tiny snores.

And let’s not forget the blissful baby cuddles- the moments of sheer joy as their newborn sleeps contently on their chests.  Despite the grueling schedule and the new concerns, they are clearly enthralled with their newborn son & working together.

Well, most of the time, anyway…

Photo Credit: Help Helen Smash (Facebook)

The video is absolutely hysterical; any veteran parent knows it’s funny because it’s true. Parenting your first newborn is an overwhelming, confusing, exhausting experience- and yet it’s still absolutely amazing.

“Life With A Newborn” is the perfect introduction to what the baby blitz is really like. Based on its massive social media attention, it’s clear that fellow parents agree.

Life With A Newborn…

What is sleep ?

Posted by Laura Clery on Wednesday, May 8, 2019




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