Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: Anything Goes!


Brindis Copas I

About a month ago, we kicked off our very first Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party (a spinoff of our wildly popular group Pinterest board with the same title). We had a rockin’ time! There was virtual champagne for everyone and the comment love that spread across the network was incredible! So we’re doing it again! This time we’ve invited Channing Tatum to join us. A little Magic Mike anyone? We’re still waiting on his RSVP, but it shouldn’t be long now. In the meantime, enjoy a little eye candy:


Once again, the goal of this link party is to introduce you to some blogs you’ve never heard of before and connect you with like-minded bloggers. Submit your link below! Anything goes! Recipes, food for thought, humor posts…

In addition to the link share, three very special bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

The Tao of Poop: The name of this blog always makes me giggle. Rachel, of The Tao of Poop, will also make you smile, ponder your sanity and say, “Yes! That’s me!” in the most candid of ways through her delightfully open and down-to-earth posts. My current favorite has to be Are You There God? It’s Me, Rachel.

Crayon Marks and Tiger Stripes: Most moms have earned their tiger stripes, but still spend a heck of a lot of time trying to scrub them off. Wait. That’s crayon marks. Proudly strutting the mantra, “I am mommy. Hear me ROAR!”, Stephanie of Crayon Marks and Tiger Stripes makes you feel welcomed and inspired, providing encouragement for all women who suffer with negative body image and low self-esteem. You make us proud, Stephanie!

Mothering from Scratch: It’s true. We’re all Mothering from Scratch and Kathy and Melinda of this fantastic blog are not shy about letting all moms know they can use some help every now and then. Their most recent post Helping Our Kids Look Before They Leap is a perfect example of their spot on mommy insight and advice we can all put to good use.

Okay, let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered!

In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post.


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