Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: The Plus One Event


ladies only blog share

Welcome back to our Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party! This week we are trying something totally unconventional and new. It’s our first-ever Plus One Event!  That’s right! You’re invited to bring along one virtual guest to the party. How does it work? Simply link up one of your most recent posts – it can be on any topic and about anything – and also share one of your favorite posts from around the webosphere. It’s a great way to showcase your own work and projects, while also supporting other bloggers who may not know about our party. When entering the link of your guest, please use your own email address (very important!).


Once again, here are my talented and dedicated co-hosts:

Michelle from:


Angela from:

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Tamara from:

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Kristen from:


Please make sure to bookmark or RSS feed their blogs and visit them on Facebook, Twitter and so on. They faithfully return the favor! In addition to the link share, three really cool bloggers are also being featured. This week they are (in no particular order):

In the Powder Room – Totally giving a shout out to the ladies from In the Powder Room! If you’ve never visited their blog before, head on over there soon. You’re in for a treat and non-stop laughs. Featuring well-known bloggers such as Hollow Tree Ventures, The Bearded Iris and Motherhood, WTF?, among others, In the Powder Room is a wit-filled, sarcastic ride through motherhood, friendships and powder room gossip. They just released a killer anthology called, “You Have Lipstick On Your Teeth”. Get yourself a copy today!

Such a Mama – Such a Mama is an all-around great parenting and family blog. Ann does an amazing job at sharing her life story, while also infusing other topics – like gardening and crafts – into the mix. If you’ve ever had a C-section, you’ll probably totally relate to her post My birth stories: I Don’t Regret My Cesarean Sections. Be sure to check it out!

MomChalant – Ashlee at MomChalant will humor you with posts about young motherhood, the struggles of teen pregnancy and teen parenting, and living and learning through the experiences of motherhood. As a teen parent myself, I’m glad to see a blog focused on issues that are sometimes brushed under the rug. So kudos, Ashlee! I especially love her recent write-up, Teen PregnancyIs More Acceptable Than Being Gay.

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Ladies Only Blog Share


Let’s get started! Have fun and visit the links below. We ask that you try to visit at least three. Remember to leave a thoughtful comment on the new blogs you’ve discovered and let them know you’re visiting from the Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party! Feel free to pin your blog post to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest board, too! In the URL field, place the link to your post. The name field should contain the title of your post. And if you’d like to co-host a future link party, give me a shout at mommifried @ (no spaces).

Use the hashtag #LOBS when tweeting!

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