Learn Your Love Language With The 5 Love Languages Test


Have you ever taken the 5 love languages test? I know — who knew there were that many ways to want or need love


I just thought eating tacos together and watching Hallmark movies was the way to show and receive love. (I joke, I joke . . . kind of.)

But if you’re serious about upping your love language communication, it’s important to find out how you like to RECEIVE love and how you like to GIVE love as well.

(And yes — sex is one of the languages (aka physical touch) but it’s not the only one!)

It’s time to take a test and see how you score in the world of love. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself. 

What are the 5 love languages?

There are actually five different love languages that we have to choose from and respond to. And while it’s hard to believe that BILLIONS of people fall into one of these five categories, it’s true. 

The five love languages are:

And just when you think you know what love language you like — you just might be rocked back on your heels.

What is the 5 Love Languages Test?

Taking a love language quiz can provide you answers to needs you really didn’t even know you were missing. 

This isn’t a pass or fail test, either. So everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. 

This love language identifier test will help you understand how your mind and body will react to the type of love you want to receive. 

Having your partner take the test of love is a great idea as well. They’ll learn about their own love language and this will help you know how to shower them with love in a way they want as well. 

5 love languages test

Benefits of taking the love languages test

In my mind, the biggest benefit of taking a love test is that it can help with communication and the affection happening in your life. 

We all know that while our partners may want us to read their minds, it’s just not a reality any of us can do. Doesn’t it seem so much easier to be able to take a test that will then just tell our partner what we want to happen? 

I think yes. And I’m all for more love happening in our lives. 

Cheers, friends! To a better love life full of whatever you need to make you happy!

Gifts? Touch? Kind words? Taking the love language quiz is the first step in the right direction. 


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