Recommended on Netflix: TV Series


I’m not a huge fan of movies on Netflix. To me, the choices are pretty slim and what movies are available are those you have either seen a hundred times on The Hallmark Channel or simply passed on the first time around. But! I do love the TV series they have on there – all those shows you saw advertised at one time, got excited about, said “I’m definitely watching that when it comes out this fall (or summer)!” and never actually got around to watching even the pilot episode of a single one. Well, Netflix lets you redeem yourself!

Nick and I have already watched all available seasons of Friday Night Lights, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Prison Break, Burn Notice and Weeds (so bad, it’s so good!). We just started on Legend of the Seeker, a show neither of us had heard of before. It’s awesome! This is the one area where Netflix excels, in my opinion. It allows you to reconnect with shows you might have forgotten about or want to watch again and also discover entirely new shows and series that missed your radar when they first came out on TV.

For us, the TV department alone is worth the $7.99 a month.


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