The Ultimate Gift Guide For Your VSCO Girl


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Anyone else shopping for a VSCO girl right now? Look no further than this spot-on VSCO Girl holiday gift guide!

Are you still a little bit confused about what a VSCO girl is? Let me take you back a bit to an article we published a couple of months ago. This post from September explains everything.  


If you have a teenager in the house, the VSCO girl craze is not news to you.

You’ve heard all about VSCO styles, clothes, special language (“And I oop! Sksksksksksk” anyone?) and you’ve definitely been made aware of all of the various must-haves for your VSCO girl.

Let’s be real though…you zoned out through nine-tenths of those conversations.

Hey…no judgment, mom’s do need their sanity! Now that it’s come down to time to shop, you might not remember exactly what it is you should be looking for when shopping for VSCO gifts.

Not to worry, we have put it together for you so you don’t need to worry about remembering what it was your VSCO girl was asking for, you just need to wrap it when the delivery person brings it to your house.

VSCO GIRL- Wears oversized t-shirts or sweatshirt with Nike shorts. Has Vans, Crocs, Birks, and wears a shell necklace. She also wears tube tops and Jean shorts. She always has a hydroflask. She can’t leave home without a scrunchie and her favorite car is a jeep.

My daughter’s high school has theme nights for their home sports games (football, volleyball, basketball, etc) and so far all of those sports have had a VSCO night.

The kids love it and they all really get into the spirit of things.

I’ve seen HUNDREDS of boys and girls at one time dressed as VSCO girls and if I’m being honest, I thought it was awesome. These kids were having a blast.

If you find yourself judging this style, stop and think about it. Were you a child of the 90s? This is basically you, so chill out. All generations have their thing.

Not to worry, we have put it together for you so you don't need to worry about remembering what it was your VSCO girl was asking for. This gift guide for the VSCO girl has it all. #vsco #vscogirl #giftideas #teengifts #teeangers #teengiftideas

If you are out shopping for a VSCO girl gift. Here is a great list of VSCO girl gifts that every teen would love to get!

The Ultimate VSCO Girl Gift Guide

Reusable Stainless Steel Metal Straws

VSCO girls want to save the turtles. It is their most important cause. These metal straws can help support the environment and they are handy to carry around.


You simply cannot be a VSCO girl without a Hydroflask. You can’t. Sorry to all of the parents that don’t want to put out the money on this water bottle.

To be fair though, these things really do work great!

Cold water for hours and hours. Oh, and it is very specifically the 32 ounce bottles. For a while it seemed like the white colored bottles were what was hot, but it looks like the color demand has changed and kids are happy with most any color.  


You cannot have a Hyrdroflask that isn’t decorated with lots of stickers. This one seems a little silly to me since you are literally covering up the brand of bottle that you just paid a bunch of money for, but hey…VSCO girls know what’s hot.

If you realy want to make the kids smile, make sure these stickers are super cute and adventurous. Not just any sticker will do.  


HELLO 90s! Scrunchies have made a roaring comeback into our lives my friends! My daughter has a 32 ounce mason jar on her dressed stocked full of these things. Wow..they bring back memories for this 90s girl. Pastel colors are extra hot for VSCO girls.  

Nike Air Force 1

Sometimes a VSCO girl needs a sporty shoe, am I right? The Nike Air Force 1 shoes are really hot with teens right now!  


“If you ain’t Crockin, you ain’t rockin” Yes, I literally heard teenagers using this phrase often over the last couple of months. VSCO style requires at least one pair of Crocs.  

Crocs Charms

What good are Crocs if they are decorated? Seriously. This isn’t among my favorite of the VSCO girl trends, but whatever. The kids love them.  


Birkenstocks are loved by far more than VSCO girls, but VSCO girls do love them! They look great with all of the VSCO girl looks and everything else too!  


Summer will be here again before we know it. VSCO girls were wearing these sweet Chacos sandals clear into Fall, so you can bet that the moment it warms up, you’ll be getting requests for these! Might as well grab them now to save yourelf time.  

Frienship Thread

Well hello again, 1990s. Funny that we should keep meeting like this.

That’s right my friends, kids are once again making friendship bracelets! It’s like my I swear I had all of these colors in my Caboodle back in the day (I wasn’t a big make-up wearer).  

Instax Camera


“Let me take a selfie” Okay, that’s not a VSCO saying, but it fits.

These kids are always taking selfies (VSCO did begin as a photo app after all), and a fun camera like this is way better than a cell phone camera.  

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm

Lip Balm must always be on hand for VSCO girls. This Burt’s Bees Lip Balm is always a crowd favorite.  

Urban Decay Naked Pallete

VSCO girls want to look their best and be ready to take a cute selfie, but they also want to keep it natural. How do they do that? With a Naked Pallete of course.  

Lip Gloss

Again, VSCO girls like to keep the makeup light. That means just a little bit of lip gloss!  

Mario Badescu Spritz Mist and Glow Facial

A VSCO girl has got to look refreshed at a moment’s notice! These Mario Badescu Spritz Mist and Glow Facial Spray are really really good for this I hear.  

Shell Necklace

Minimally accessorized is how most VSCO girls like to be and they often really like these cute beachy type necklaces. It’s classy, light and very cool.  

3 Bead Leather Rope Necklace

Here’s another option for an understated jewelry piece that the VSCO girls will love! This super popular 3 Bead Leather Rope Necklace would make a great gift.  

Long Graphic Tees

Graphic Tees that are big enough to cover a pair of running shorts is what you are going for here.  

Nike Shorts

Running shorts that are short enough to be covered by that long, graphic tee we just talked about. Nike running shorts specifically.  It’s OK. It’s confusing to me, too. 

Kanken Backpack Classic

Okay folks, help me out. Until I started doing some research, I hadn’t heard anything about these backpacks.

Even my teenage daughter was unfamiliar with them (although she has seen quite a few kids with these backpacks). Are they really all they are cracked up to be?

What is on your VSCO girl’s wishlist? We are dying to know. 




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