To The Struggling Mom


The days are hard and long. Some days seem like they last 36+ hours. You are at your wits end and ready to give up and cry for the millionth time. To the struggling mom, I see you, I am you.


To The Struggling Mom In The Grocery Store

I see you with your toddler who is absolutely not listening. Your baby is screaming, your toddler is having a meltdown.

Your face turns red as you try to not totally lose your shit. Maybe you throw out some bribes, maybe a threat to leave the store, maybe you just ignore the situation and pray for the best.

It’s okay! I know you can’t help the situation, and I can promise I’m not judging you. Children are unpredictable.

You may be worried what other people are thinking. Don’t. Nobody matters but yourself and your children. Most parents have been in these situations. You are not alone. I know it’s hard, try to breathe.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

To The Struggling Mom Who Is Overwhelmed With Work-life Balance

Your job is basically 24/7, you feel almost always on-call. You are losing weekend time with your children and evenings with your family.

You miss dinners, lunches, and family time. Planning events seems next to impossible. You haven’t seen your friends in ages.

I know you, and I know you are trying your very best.

You are doing what is necessary to have your family survive. You are providing a roof over your children’s heads and delicious food to fill their bellies. Your children still experience sing-a-longs with you, bedtime stories, belly laughs, and snuggles on the couch.

Your children know you are busy, but they also see that you are a superhero!

Mom, you are doing it all and still finding those little moments with them. You are an amazing example of work ethic!

You also show that life is full of obstacles and you work around them. I know you feel bad about missing certain parts of their life, for being insanely busy. It’s okay! You still find the time when you can.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. 

To The Struggling Mom With Grown Children

Your babies are away on their own now, they have left the nest. You feel worried and anxious about them all the time.

You feel too busy with your job to see them as much as you want. Sometimes you find it hard to let go and let them be.

Maybe they don’t call you as much as you would like, maybe visits are sometimes scarce.

Sometimes they only call when things are going horribly wrong in their lives. You feel an enormous urge to never disappoint anyone so you always do more than you need to.

Your children still love you. They call you when they need you the most.

They miss you. Your children are out there living their lives as adults because of how you raised them. They are successful because of you! They have the ultimate mom and know you are worried.

Your children know the worrying won’t stop. It’s hard to let go and let them be on their own. Sometimes it feels like your anxiety is overwhelming.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

To The Struggling Stay At Home Mom

This is what you wanted. Sometimes though, you feel absolutely miserable. Your toddler can be stubborn, whiny, and a handful. You are praying for bedtime.

In some instances, you wonder what it would be like to find a job and send your child to daycare so you can have a break.

At the end of the day, your child is finally in bed. You exhale deeply and pour yourself a glass of wine. The house is a wreck, dishes are in the sink, you look like hell.

Maybe none of your chores got done today. Did you even eat anything?

Your child laughed over 10 times today, sure there were plenty of meltdowns in between, but they still had fun. Your child felt the love you still had for them, even though they peed on the floor 3 separate times today.

You still gave your child nighttime hugs, read them a story, and kissed them goodnight.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

To The Struggling Mom Who Works Full-time And Is Starting A Business

You are finally creating your dream, but the anxiety and overwhelming feeling of it all is beating you down. You still have to work full-time, be a mom, and create this business from the ground up.

There are days where you don’t have time to talk to friends. You hardly even see some friends and family anymore. Sometimes it feels like this may not be worth it, even though it’s your dream.

Today your job was a complete shit-show.

You got yelled at for nothing and it has knocked you down. Today your business didn’t do as well as you had hoped. Your child decided today would be the day to have the mother-of-all meltdowns.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

To The Struggling Mom Who Has Little Support

Maybe you have a partner, and they are just absent for various reasons. Maybe you are doing this parenting thing on your own completely. Either way, it feels like you are alone in the parenting universe.

You have to work all the time to support your family. You feel like you are constantly running around. Me-time? That hardly exists. Hanging out with friends, childless?

Next to impossible. Having relief from your child when you need it the most? It’s not there.

You feel lonely and scared for what may happen.

Sometimes the overwhelming feelings can get to be too much. You work so hard to provide meals, clothes, and shelter but you still feel like you aren’t good enough.

You are a superhero! Your child is witnessing you literally do it all and still love them unconditionally. You are doing this for them.

The long days will end, friend time will come back. You are giving your child everything they need, with the best of your abilities.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

To The Struggling Mom Who Has All The Support In The World

Your partner is present, grandparents are involved, you have a strong friend group. Yet, you are still struggling.

You have all the support in the world and you still feel like you aren’t good enough for your children and maybe your partner. You feel guilty that you have such a strong support system and yet still feel overwhelmed.

Some days are just extremely rough and tiring no matter the support you have.

Mom guilt is real and not anything you need to be ashamed of. You may feel guilty that your friends don’t have near the support system you do.

Maybe you feel guilty that you leave your child for a few hours for some me-time. You could be struggling because your child was a complete monster today and you just need a break.

You are doing the best you can. That’s what matters. Your children are still loved and cared for. That’s what matters.

Struggling Mom -You are loved.

It may not feel like it sometimes, but you are. I support you, I admire you, I hear you, I see you. I am you.

This post originally appeared on Allen The Family


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