I Know How The Baby Gets Spoiled

People often say that the youngest, “the baby,” gets spoiled. Well, I get it now.

I know how the baby gets spoiled.

You can’t put him down because his siblings will just wake him, so you hold him for his entire nap to get a little peace. Plus, his sleepy little baby smile is so dreamy.
I know how the baby gets spoiled.
You don’t need to rush him into the big boy bed. He can stay in the crib for a while–it’s not like another baby on the way will need it. Besides, you’ll probably let him sleep in your room a little longer anyway.

I know how the baby gets spoiled.

He can move on his own, but you carry him every time. His chubby little baby arms reaching up for you are magic, and you know too soon he’ll be running away at full speed. So you hold him.
I know how the baby gets spoiled.
You run to him the minute he cries. The days when you alone can solve everything for him are so fleeting, so you rush in to save the day while you still can.
I know how the baby gets spoiled.

You were once rules and routines, schedules and systems.

But now you know these baby days pass in a blur, so you try to go with the flow wherever you can. Whatever it is, it’ll keep, but the baby won’t.
I know how the baby gets spoiled.
You think these attitudes, these thoughts, these indulgences are temporary.
“He’s only a baby.”
“There’ll be time to be firm later.”
“He’s still so little.”
But it turns out… when a baby is your last, he’ll always be “the baby.” Your baby.

I know how the baby gets spoiled.

This post originally appeared on the author’s Facebook Page – The Wild, Wild West


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