Today, Both My Boys Went to School. And My Tears Were Happy Tears.


Today was a really big day in our little world.

Huge really.

This morning Cooper went to his brother’s school to have his school photo taken by Lifetouch.

See, these two boys should be in school together. They should be in first and third grade and riding the bus to and from school together.


But they are not. It is what it is I guess.

This was a big deal for both of them. We’ve been talking about it for over a week.

A new shirt! A fancy haircut! A trip to brother’s school.

Sawyer wanted to show it all to Cooper.

Cooper dressed himself he was so excited this morning.

Sawyer was so happy that he helped Cooper with his shoes and buckled him into his booster seat.

I heard him whisper to him…’you can dance Cooper…if you need to wiggle…my principal won’t care.’

We all drove to school together. Sawyer held his hand as we walked in. He showed him how to wait for the crossing guard to say it’s ok to walk.

Finding Cooper’s Voice

I will tell you the actual photo part was pretty intense and when the woman asked me what grade he was in I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach.

But he did it. He smiled and said cheese.

And when we left…Cooper grabbed my hands, pointed to the school, said ‘S-A-W-ER’ and clapped.

And I cried.

Then we went and had doughnuts. Me and my boy. Together. Something we couldn’t do a year ago.

Parents, there will be hard parts. Really hard parts. But good golly there will be so much joy and beauty that at times it will take your breath away.

Find those moments. Those nuggets. And hold onto to them with clenched fists.

Today, both my boys went to school. And my tears were happy tears.

Today was a really big day in our little world. Huge really. This morning Cooper went to his brother’s school to…

Posted by Finding Cooper's Voice on Thursday, February 20, 2020


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