We moms gladly sacrifice a lot for our families. But one of the things that most of us miss the most- along with daily showers and a full night’s sleep- is time to be ALONE. The reality is, parenting small children often renders the concept of “alone time” to be elusive at best, and seemingly impossible. Even a trip to the bathroom can be a welcome moment of solitude… IF we’re lucky enough to enjoy it alone (and since we’re moms, it’s not likely).
The moms of Twitter know the struggle to find a little time to ourselves is all too real. Check out these hilarious tweets about moms’ desire for some solitude, and the ways they find it!
- The very concept of enjoying your “alone” time changes once you have kids.
When you’re a parent, any “relaxation time” you have is just you doing chores or running errands without your kids.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) October 14, 2018
2. You don’t want to waste your “down” time lying down, so you’re tired. Forever.
[The Parenting Paradox]
When you could nap with kids but that’s your only chance at alone time so you just stay exhausted.
— TheBabyLady (@thebabylady7) July 10, 2018
3. Even a few spare minutes alone feels like heaven to us moms.
Using a public bathroom alone was a treat compared to having my kids climbing on me, but, yes, go on about your upcoming Hawaii trip.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) June 12, 2017
4. A trip to the stores, alone? The BEST!
I've never vacationed alone but I did get to go to the grocery store without my kids one time.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) March 21, 2017
5. And if that trip happens to be to a Target- bliss. Sheer bliss.
The bad part about going to Target by yourself on a Saturday night is…
…absolutely nothing. It’s one of the world’s purest joys.— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) November 5, 2017
6. Because let’s face it: alone time comes at a cost. To YOU.
Parenting: The eternal decision of whether you'd rather sacrifice your alone time or allow the destruction of every belonging you own.
— Difficult Mommy (@difficultmommy) May 4, 2017
7. You try to start your day earlier, but the kids somehow sense it, and:
When you deliberately wake up early for some "me" time, but the kids somehow sense it and… pic.twitter.com/ZZdpR9eS64
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) August 4, 2017
8. Or they actually join you DELIBERATELY, which is cute, but… also not so fun.
ME: great thx buddy
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) July 4, 2017
9. It’s a struggle, & our family members just.don’t.get.it.
Husband: *hates his commute to work*
Me: *hates that husband gets hours alone in the car to drink coffee and blast whatever music he wants*— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) February 2, 2016
10. And they find the need to be a PART of your alone time. Which… no. Just no.
Kids asked why I was sitting alone in a dark room. I told them I wanted to be alone. So naturally they came in to fight here instead.
— It'sReally10Months (@really10months) July 11, 2017
11. But they’re more than happy to leave us alone since it still usually helps THEM.
Husband: Go out! You need alone time, too!
Me: Ok maybe I'll go shoppin-
H: Great! Oh, see if you can find me a new belt while ur out…
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) July 19, 2016
12. We coincidentally find ourselves alone when there’s work to be done…
When I asked for some alone time, I didn't mean when I was bringing in the groceries.
— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) April 3, 2016
13. …which is a technique that can actually come in handy…
I highly suggest you tell your kids to help clean up. They won't do it, but they will disappear and leave you the hell alone for a few.
— Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) January 9, 2017
14. Thanks, kid- the best game ever!!
My 4yo just shut the bathroom door on me while I was inside and told me I was in jail. So I locked the door. I love this game.
— Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) February 1, 2014
15. So you find those solo moments when you can. And WHERE you can.
*walks into other room
-Why sitting alone in my car is now a thing I do.— Meredith (@PerfectPending) April 26, 2016
16. And you will savor that alone time. No matter how it comes. Seriously.
Excited to go to the movies alone tonight!
Yes, it's a screening of the middle school's sex ed film but at least I get out of doing bedtime.— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) February 24, 2016
17. Moments alone are few; if it’s not one thing (kids), it’s another (pets).
It's so sweet the way the cat comes to snuggle me as soon as I get the kids to bed cuz he doesn't want me to be alone, CUZ FIVE FREAKING MINUTES IS APPARENTLY TOO MUCH TO ASK FROM EVERYONE.
— Walking Outside In Slippers (@WalkingOutside) May 31, 2018
If you managed to read this alone, congrats! It’s probably time to flush & get back out there…