Remember what Friday nights used to be like before you had kids? Yeah, me neither. What was once an evening eagerly anticipated for it’s late-night shenanigans soon morphs into a much tamer affair once you become a parent. Not quieter -because KIDS- but definitely a slower pace than the golden days of our youth.
The parents of Twitter can relate; laugh along with them as they share what Friday nights really look like once you have kids!
- Ok, so maybe Friday night isn’t as cool as it used to be.
Me, Friday night in 1998: I wish the music were louder and there were more people at this party.
Me, Friday night in 2018: I wish this orange would peel itself.— Molly England (@bluebonetbabies) March 3, 2018
2. It looks a LOT different than it did in your 20s.
It’s 10:30 on Friday night. In my 20s, I’d be pregaming, pounding beers, getting ready to go out. At 41, I’ve already gone to bed and am only awake because I got up to go to the bathroom.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) April 7, 2018
3. Because let’s face it; we’re not young anymore. Or cool (neither is our music).
Smells Like Teen Spirit is playing at Market Basket. Nirvana is grocery store music. Enjoy your Friday night, everyone.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) May 20, 2016
4. Although we’ll still try to convince our kids we are- whether they like it or not.
Awww yissssss it's Friday night and you know what that means but for me it's actually eating nachos and forcing my kids to watch me do early Britney Spears choreography
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) April 13, 2018
5. Sometimes “TGIF” doesn’t seem as exciting as it used to be.
When everyone else is giddy that it’s Friday, but you’re a stay-at-home parent, so…
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) January 26, 2018
6. BUT- we parents still know how to party. And by “party” we mean, Netflix. And sleep.
It's Friday night which means I'm pounding shots at the club and getting crazy til the break of dawn.
Except by pounding shots, I mean drinking SleepyTime tea. By the club, I mean my couch. By getting crazy, I mean watching Good Eats. And by break of dawn, I mean 10:30 ish.
— TwinzerDad (@TwinzerDad) September 15, 2018
7. We still know how have fun; it’s just that our definition of FUN has changed.
9 PM on Friday night before kids: getting ready to go out with my friends.
9 PM on Friday night now: in bed, in my pajamas, reading the user manual for my new waffle iron.
— Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) August 3, 2018
8. Fridays can be exciting. Like, you never know what’s going to happen, or what will hit you. LITERALLY.
I was shot point-blank in the back by a nerf gun so powerful it has a safety, how's your Friday night going?
— Rodney Lacroix (@moooooog35) September 8, 2017
9. Because even with kids, Friday nights can be LIT.
Name that tune with a 6yo and a kazoo is how I spend my Friday nights now that I’m a parent.
— Meredith (@PerfectPending) November 10, 2018
10. Or weird. They can get weird. Because, KIDS.
My toddler is demanding I breastfeed all her stuffed animals.
How's your Friday night?
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) December 3, 2016
11. Sometimes we enjoy a Friday night out with our spouse. Or try to enjoy it.
Let’s get married so instead of drinking and dancing we can spend Friday night at Home Depot and the rest of the weekend in a fight.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 26, 2018
12. It’s even more fun where there are MORE kids around.
The best part about Friday is when my kids don’t ask for sleepovers and they go to bed early without me having to tell them.
Just kidding. No one here will be sleeping again until Monday night.
— TheMotherOctopus (@MotherOctopusKJ) April 21, 2018
13. But sometimes it’s nice to spend Friday night watching TV. Or NOT watching, I guess.
I spent Friday night and Saturday morning looking for where my toddler hid the remote. But, yes, tell me more about your weekend plans.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) April 29, 2017
14. We learn to appreciate the simple moments- alone. Blissfully alone.
It’s the little things in life…
I whisper to myself as I grocery shop alone at 9 on a Friday night.
— all the rice (@MommaUnfiltered) June 9, 2018
15. We can still get our drink on, as long as we just.keep.folding.
Me: This Friday night is lit!
*sips wine, continues to fold laundry*
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) July 21, 2018
16. We know how to get our drink on. It might be Pepto, but…
Just took my blood pressure medication with a swig of Pepto Bismol, because it's Friday night bitches!
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) April 23, 2016
17. We parents still know how to get crazy on a Friday night, baby!
*takes probiotic*
*pays bills online*— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) April 16, 2016
18. Finally, once the kids are in bed, it’s OUR time. If only we were conscious for it!
Friday night as a parent:
The kids are finally in bed, so let's watch a movie and have a glass of wi……zZzZzZz……
— Walking Outside In Slippers (@WalkingOutside) November 7, 2015
19. We actually a hot Friday night in bed…. (Sleeping, though. Seriously.)
Woo! It's Friday night, we're gettin' turnt! *turns husband's CPAP machine on and passes out*
— ?Mummy Curses? (@mommy_cusses) April 9, 2016
20. At least we know how to enjoy a Friday night- all five minutes of it!
The highlight of Friday night when you're a parent is the 5 minutes between putting your kids to bed and passing out in your own.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) December 12, 2014
TGIF! Kind of, anyway…
These are hilarious!!