20 Instagram Moms That Are Sure To Make You Laugh Through This Sh*tshow of A Pandemic


This pandemic has so many aspects that suck out loud. And not one inch of this experience has been anxiety free for most parents.

Sure, we get to spend the day in our pajamas and eat dinner at 9:00 am but mostly, the uncertainty and the fear that many families are experiencing have been pretty intense.


So, it’s no surprise that for a lot of moms out there, Instagram has become a fun way to get some comedy relief from the horror show that is currently our reality.

With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 20 hilarious mom accounts of Instagram that you should all be following. 

Happy scrolling!

The Mother Octopus is the master of hilariously relatable self-deprecating humor. She GETS why you hate being stuck at home and she’s here with the jokes to make you feel better about it. 

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Circling the drain.

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Six Pack Mom who is all of us when we finally turn like a hot pile of rotten, “Eff This!” when our kids start talking endlessly about…Minecraft. 

Mommy Needs A Life who will make you feel less guilty about flipping the bird to bedtimes. 

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Snarky Breeders says exactly what most of us are thinking but are too polite to say out loud. 

Mommy Meme Jeans who never fails to hit us with actual LOLs at her irreverently funny punch lines. 

As Kate Would Have It who is also having cocktails in the bath and crying in the shower. So, you know, it’s def not just you!

Mom on the Rocks who is D-O-N-E with the bullshit of pandemic. Ha! 

Mary Fairy Bo Berry documents her life according to the only details that really matter. 

Tortured By Toddlers knows exactly what you’re going through.

Mommy Owl is the sarcastic friend we all need in our lives. She’s also a pro at shopping and gives amazing tips. Like this one. 

Perfection Pending is the one influencer we all need in our lives. She’s just like us but way funnier. 

Not Your Average Mom Project who doesn’t mind calling out her husband for his epic bathroom breaks. 

Not the Worst Mom is a Vegas stand up comedian who puts motherhood on blast on the regular. She’s also damn tired of cleaning and honestly, who can’t relate to that?

The Mom Who Knew Too Much is as anxious about schools opening up as we are. 

We Don’t Hate Men is the funniest British mom Instagram account that has us actually crying tears from laughing so hard. Like this viral video, for example. You will feel SEEN. And it will feel AWESOME. 

Mom of One and Done who shares her snarky observations about everything pandemic like this one time when she finally ventured out into the public and it didn’t go so well.

Julie Burton is asking the only questions about this pandemic that really matters at this point. 

Fruits of Motherhood who is rocking the pandemic TikTock game and we can’t get enough.

Mom and Buried who has her priorities straight. 

That’s Inappropriate who has the same problem we all have; we’re damn tired and we look it. Thanks for noticing. 


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