Acts of Kindness Bucket Lists


Has it been difficult to find the silver lining in life’s challenges lately? If you’re like many families who feel like 2020 has been a roller coaster of emotions, we’re here to tell you that you’re not alone. But what to do to combat summertime blues? Why not try an activity that provokes generosity and kindness! 

This summer create a bucket list that is all about spreading random acts of kindness! If you’re unfamiliar with a bucket list, the activity is all about writing down things you’d like to do in a given amount of time. Usually, these lists are geared at traveling, accomplishing personal goals, or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but for the sake of others, we think a positive spin to the normal bucket list would be to create one all about making others happy! 

Plus, your family doesn’t have to leave your home to accomplish this activity. Brainstorm ideas all around how you can make an impact while staying home! Safety is a priority for every family so here are a few ideas to get you started. 

  • Host a virtual bake sale with all of the proceeds given to a charity. 
  • Devote a couple of weekends to working in a community garden. 
  • Schedule a Zoom call with family friends. 
  • Learn how to cook something new and surprise a family member with breakfast in bed.
  • Grow out your hair and donate it to a worthy cause.
  • Leave a positive review for your favorite take-out restaurant. 

To make brainstorming a breeze, the folks at WikiBuy pulled together a list of over 100 bucket list ideas as well as created a free printable checklist so kiddos can cross off tasks as they accomplish them! Take a peek below!


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