I’m kicking off the new year with a lot of big announcements. First up – I’m contributing a story to a new anthology that is coming out very soon! What’s it about? Well, simply put, it’s about all those endless hours of sleep that moms get. You know…those daily power naps, extended siestas, and 14 hours of sleep each and every night. Yeah, that’s a bunch of BS. It’s actually about sleep, but more along the lines of not getting enough or learning to cope with less hours of zzzzz’s.
Since having my son two months ago, I’m getting less sleep than ever. Plus my two-year-old wakes up at 4:00 AM EVERY SINGLE DAY! She gets up and goes all day–often without a nap. If Zombies Anonymous is looking for a poster child, I’m available. Or maybe a commercial for one of those comfy mattresses that does all but bring you a glass of wine at night. Ahhh! To sleep!
So the book is being produced and published by the fabulous Lisa Nolan, a writer, publisher, and all-around amazing woman. There are a lot of names you’ll recognize from the blogging world, so be on the lookout. If you want to stay in the know, click the button (photo/image/link) below to subscribe to the email list for updates on publication of the book, launch events, book readings, and all that jazz. And please, try to get some sleep! (Sneak in a few hours for me!)