Old School Blogging Returns with Lists of Five!


old school blogging

Old School Blogging is making a return here on MommiFried! I was tagged by my blogging bud and good friend Michelle of A Dish of Daily Life. The theme this time around is Lists of Five. It’s crazy, because I really had to put a lot of thought into some of these – particularly the five places I would like to travel. I’m not big on travel, so I did my best. Hope you enjoy a peek into my twisted mind!

Five Things I Have a Passion For

1. My kids and family! I live for them.
2. Blogging  (Can you tell?)
3. Writing in general (I have a manuscript underway – ho hum.)
4. Cooking and baking whenever I have the chance
5. Vampires. I am a TwiHard and proud of it. Oh – Team Edward. Actually, Team Rob. Nuff’ said. <drool>

Five Things I Would Like to do Before I Die

1. Is walking on the moon asking for too much?
2. Tour Italy!
3. Get my original manuscript published
4. Meet my great grandchildren
5. Own a house and retire on Golden Pond (or the equivalent)

Five Things I Say A Lot

1. I’m so tired! (Cut me some slack. I’m six months pregnant.)
2. Are you kidding me?!?!
3. I love cake.
4. I love you more than peas on rice and monkeys in a frying pan. (No clue why, how, but it makes Aless happy.)
5. GET UP!

Five Books and/or Magazines I Have Read Lately

1. Revenue and the CMO by Glenn Gow/Crimson Marketing
2. Heart of the Bighorns by Lori J. Cooper
3. The Fine Print of Self-Publishing by Mark Levine
4. Motherhood Comes Naturally (And Other Viscious Lies) by Jill Smokler (Scary Mommy)
5. The Mother of All Meltdowns by Some Chicks You Are About to Know!!!!!

Five Favorite Movies (maybe you’ve seen them Five times…)

1. Forrest Gump
2. On Golden Pond
3. Pretty Woman
4. Twilight
5. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Five Places I Would Love to Travel

1. Italy (Rome, Venice and Florence)
2. Sydney, Australia
3. London, UK
4. Alaska, US
5. Cape Town, SA

Five People I Tag to do this Meme

1. AnnMarie at Tidbits from the Queen of Chaos
2. Tiffany at The Dwelling Tree
3. Angela at Writer Mom’s Blog (I know, I know. I endlessly tag you. I just like you SO much!)
4. Dawn at Joyful Scribblings
5. Patti at Oh Mrs. Tucker!

If you don’t want to participate and I’ve tagged you – don’t sweat it. If you want to participate and I didn’t tag you, woo hoo! Just copy and paste the questions you see here, write a post and link up with Elaine at the Miss Elaine-ous Life or Alison at Writing, Wishing. Don’t forget to tweet your post and include @elainea and @AlisonSWLee as the hosts of the link party. Also use the hashtag #OSBlog. Be sure to include the Old School Blogging Button on your post! Can’t wait to read yours!



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