On The Days You Feel Like You’re Failing


Sometimes, I want to reach deep within my soul, shake it around a bit and say, “Wake up!
You are doing a great job, even on the days you feel you are failing.”


It’s okay your kid’s room is a disaster and bowls have been missing from the cabinets since November…no judgments.

It’s okay you said you were going to have more patience today but then lost it halfway through lunch when you were interrupted for the thousandth time…no judgments.

It’s okay your teens haven’t been themselves, hibernating in their rooms only to come down for meals, and you’re hoping it just a normal teenage phase…no judgments.

It’s okay, you mentioned spending more time with your husband but then you were interrupted to help navigate an issue at school and then by the time you were done with that all you truly wanted was some alone time… no judgments.

It’s okay if your kiddos are having a bit more screen time than last year…no judgments.

It’s okay to find joy in your child’s laughter, brimming with pride over their kindness but then feel frustration sometimes over the little things.

It’s okay to feel like you are a rock star mom one moment, twirling your kids around in the yard giggling and then plop down on the couch exhausted from being up since 4:30 am with a crying toddler.

It’s okay if one night you make a gourmet meal, fresh ingredients, farm to table and then the next night order in pizza for the second time that week.

It’s okay if you are a working mom, a stay at home mom, a mom who works part time.

It’s okay to make the decision that works for you and your family and not pay attention to the chatter surrounding you.

It’s okay to be you, your authentic self.

You hug and you yell…no judgments.
You laugh and you sob…no judgments.
You smile and you frown…no judgments.
You compliment and you complain…no judgments.
You have grace and you fault others…no judgments.
You love hard and you push love away…no judgments.

Aren’t we all just hanging in there right now?

I know I am…no judgments.

For more daily inspiration follow Hang In There Mama by Ali Flynn on Facebook. 



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