Silence, Sweat, and Answers: What Every Mom Wants for Mother’s Day



Listen up, kids! Your mother doesn’t want flowers for Mother’s Day. Okay, she’ll love the mixed carnations and appreciate the gesture, but that’s not what she really wants. She isn’t secretly hoping for a new bracelet or perfume, either. Of course, she’ll wear them both, but inside that’s not what she’s dying to receive.

Here’s what every mom wants for Mother’s Day:

Manual Labor

You think I’m kidding? I don’t need to meet your mother to know she busts ass. So slip on some Carhartts or ripped jeans and cut her some slack. It’s time to break a sweat! Weed those gardens. Clean out her car. Or do all of the laundry. That includes folding it the way she likes and putting it all away. Leaving it in a folded pile on top of the dryer DOES NOT COUNT!


Don’t gang up on Mom on her special day! Just let her sleep. Really. Make your own breakfast. Get your own lunch. Find your missing car keys or iPad–yourself. If you’re too young to swing all of this, quietly wake up Dad and ask him for help. Mom also wants the bed to herself, so she’ll appreciate this. It’s one of life’s little luxuries.

Noise Canceling Headphones

Maybe it’s just me, but I would love to see little mouths moving, things crashing to the floor, dogs barking, TVs blaring…but not hear any of it. Can you imagine the bliss? That’s why noise canceling headphones are a mother’s dream come true. If she doesn’t have a pair, consider them an ideal gift.

To Know Where Missing Socks Go

This is yet another of life’s little mysteries…And a question your mother silently asks herself over and over again, “Where did all of the socks go?” If you watch closely, you’ll even catch her peeking inside the washer and dryer—her entire head buried within questioning the whereabouts of that missing blue sock.

Punching Bag

Moms are human. We’re prone to angry outbursts and meltdowns just like the next person. The problem? We’re expected to keep it all contained and go about our business. That’s just not fair. We should have an outlet to release all that stress and unleash the wrath of a day spent taking care of others, working our hind quarters off, and otherwise never catching a breath. A punching bag hanging squarely in the middle of the kitchen or living room is all the therapy Mom needs. (Okay. Put it in the spare bedroom, rec room, or basement if you must.)


You can never go wrong with chocolate. But rather than grabbing the $7.99 box at the grocery store, consider splurging and buying her some chocolate infused with bacon or chipotle. It only takes a few clicks to deliver a bit of heaven to her on Mother’s Day.

For more great Mother’s Day gift ideas, visit my friend Angela over at Writer Mom’s Blog!


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