Stress-Busting Tips For Moms When Balancing Work and Family


Working mothers are more stressed and spend more time multitasking at home than working dads, according to a study in the American Sociological Review. So we definitely need some stress-busting tips for moms. 


A survey by Pew Research reported 41 percent of moms who work full time and 40 percent of those working part time said they constantly feel rushed.

But moms don’t need a survey to tell you that you’re feeling stretched thin without much left to give at the end of the day.

There are ways to carve out some time and indulgence just for you. After all, a happy mom makes for a happy household.

Stress-busting tip – Get more sleep

The idea that we can have it all if we just don’t sleep may sound reasonable in theory. But in reality, a lack of sleep can potentially impair you more than drinking and diminish your health and energy, reports a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Get more sleep by winding down earlier and make it a fun and indulgent experience. Get new silk pajamas, linens and an assortment of good books to relax before drifting off.

Stress-busting tip Meditation

Practicing meditation can put you in a state of deep relaxation and decrease your anxiety and depression.

If you suffer from a lack of sleep, meditation can also help you battle insomnia, suggests Transcendental Meditation for Women. Best of all, meditation can be done nearly anywhere on a short break or when the kids are napping or busy with activities.

Unlike many stress-busting techniques, meditation is free and requires no equipment.

Do something for yourself is the best stress-busting tip

Moms can get lost in the daily bustle of kids, work, taking care of the house and attempting to carve out a little time for your partner and friends.

You might be doing a good job of juggling, but there’s something amiss here. It’s you. Remember to do something just for yourself, whether it’s taking up a new hobby like painting, jogging or joining a book club.

Carving out 30-minutes a day for yourself can make a difference in your mental health and give you something to look forward to.


Take a fast track to relaxation by indulging in something special. Hit the spa once a month, or better yet, get a hot tub for your home to take a long evening soak. Institute “mom hours” so everyone in the family steers clear and gives you the much-needed downtime you deserve. Don’t forget to pick up a big fluffy robe, slippers and some candles nearby.

There are also plenty of ways to indulge if you’re on a budget.

Pick-up some luxury bath salts and bubbles, take a long walk at sunset or take yourself out for a glass of wine at a kid unfriendly restaurant and enjoy hearing your own thoughts for a change.

Get out at night without the kids

It’s tempting to slip the kids some electronics so you and your hubby can fake a date night. But you need to leave the kids at home and rekindle the romance and feeling of adulthood.

It’s hard to feel sexy when you’re cutting up your child’s food and your husband is helping your other kid clean up a spilled drink. If you can’t swing the babysitter on top of an evening out, make a date with your girlfriends while your husband keeps the house running.


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