Two Best Friends Commemorate Their Friendship In Epic Drunk Photo Shoot


If you’ve been on social media for any length of time, then you know that the family photo shoot is practically considered an essential. If you love your family, you will show that love by sporting matching sweaters in a field of hay… or color-coordinated shirts on a windswept beach.


A family photo shoot is a special way to celebrate your bond by capturing a snapshot (literally) of a moment in time in your lives to later look back upon.

For some, looking back might be less sentimental and more, well, awkward– just check out @awkwardfamilyphotos on Instagram as evidence to keep the past firmly in the past.

While family photos often look cool, they also often look staged. Truth be told, the outtakes from a family photo shoot are often way more true-to-life than the glossy finished product. Where’s the personality? Where’s the mess? Where’s the BEER??

Two women decided to commemorate their friendship by having their own photo shoot done while getting their drink on, & they are #BESTFRIENDGOALS!

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

When Ashley Herek was asked to do a photo shoot for two best friends, she grabbed her camera & got to work. As a professional photographer, Ashley is accustomed to the sweetly choreographed poses that most clients are typically looking for.

And that’s why THIS photo sessions was probably her

Scrap the matching sweaters, y’all. Just say no to the wholesome hay field. Grab the camera and bring the beer. No, not one beer- ALL THE BEER.

You guys, I got paid to take pictures of best friends…DRINKING!!! I literally was laughing the entire session and I bet you are laughing too!

These two women decided to celebrate their friendship by doing what they do best- having fun. They spent the afternoon laughing, drinking, and having it all photographed for posterity.

The best way to begin this photo shoot? With a rousing chorus of, “Cheers!”, of course!

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)


Well THAT escalated quickly…

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

(Did you catch the wording on their shirts, by the way? We’ve got “Thelma” and “Louise” here, & they are clearly each other’s ride or die. Even that super shiny Jeep isn’t going to hog the spotlight from these two hilarious besties.)

But lest you think the drunken fun ended here, think again. This is one fancy-schmancy photo shoot, because…. we’ve got costume changes.

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Ok, ok, there’s the clichéd “field”. Now, would I pay good money to drag my whining kids & reluctant husband into this field for a tense, clothing-coordinated family shoot?

Hard pass.

But would I pay for photos while I’m getting my drink on with my BFF as we cackle with laughter over something that happened back in high school… but is still funny when we’re gleefully wasted?

Take all my money, photographer lady.

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Now this is everything. We don’t know why… and we don’t need to know why. It’s just FUN. And personally, I’m impressed that the “flying friend” has managed to maintain a perfectly balance grip on that can this many beers in.

Oh…. OH. Wait. Never mind.

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

That Busch is all up in her grill, but when you’re with your best friend -or ON HER- & you’re drunk in a pretty field with cozy clothes on and there’s more beers in the case still… it’s all good! (And funny. HILARIOUSLY funny.)

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Annnnnnd a bestie is down. We have a bestie down! But ladies & gentlemen, look at that finesse- she is STILL holding her beer upright! And note the look of utter giddy joy on her BFF’s face.

Oh, she’ll help her up, of course, because that’s what best friends do. But after laughing her ass off…. because that, too, is what best friends do.

Friendship is all about giving, too! This picture truly captures the essence of that beautiful give & take:

“You give me a ride on your back, I’ll give you lukewarm sips of my back-washed beer.”

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Bet it’s a long walk back to their Jeep; these pals better hydrate before their trek back…

Whelp. Looks like they got that covered.

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Wow. Thank goodness for the earlier costume change- looks like they’re going to need dry shirts..

Or not. Because when you’re this drunk & happy, who the hell cares? Wheeeeee!!!!

Photo Credit: Ashley Herek Photography (Facebook)

Ashley’s beautifully staged shots have quickly drawn attention on Facebook; the shots of these boozy pals have already wracked up 11K likes and 48K shares.

Oh, and there are plenty of  comments, too- over 37K of them. Roughly 30K of them are “yessss!”, with the remaining 7K primarily people tagging THEIR best friends, asking them to do a photo shoot like this with them.

In short, staging your own drunken BFF photo shoot looks like a helluva lot of fun, & it’s a special way to commemorate the unique bond between besties.

And the bonus: there will be pics to remind you of what you did last night, which is easier than wondering what the hell happened the last time you & your BFF took down a case of Busch…

You guys, I got paid to take pictures of best friends…DRINKING!!! I literally was laughing the entire session and I…

Posted by Ashley Herek Photography on Thursday, October 1, 2020


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