17 Funny Parenting Tweets About The Hell That Is Having Sick Kids


Kids may have trouble sharing at times, but one thing they excel in generously sharing with others is their GERMS. Kids are notorious germ magnets, and they are all too willing to spread their germy goodness onto anyone in their midst. And ONCE KIDS ARE IN SCHOOL, sick days and tissue consumption levels skyrocket.


Having kids home sick from school can be challenging, & these Twitter parents are sick of it, too!

  1. There’s not enough hand sanitizer to stop these germs.

2. You try to stop the school germs, but they just.keep.coming.

3. And the school nurse always manages to find you. Despite your best efforts.

4. And you love your kid, but not “share your germs with me” kind of love.

5. You try to stop the illness from spreading.

6. But there’s no such thing as personal space from your sick kid.

7. Or from your neighbor’s sick kid.

8.  You think you’re a patient parent, until your “patient” tries your patience.

9. It’s hard enough when one kid is home sick, but then it keeps going…

10. …and going… and going…

11. And let’s face it; kids are never sick at convenient times.

12. Well, unless you prefer being anti-social. Forever.

13. And they may be sick, but not quite sick enough for their parent’s sake.

14. You need to keep them entertained- at the cost of your own personal sanity.

15. And at the cost of your own basic needs. Like sleep. And vomit-free laundry.

16. But how about once that Motrin kicks in??

17. At least there’s a silver lining to kids being home sick. One tiny, tired little lining.

The kids may be sick and tired, but taking care of sick kids can also make parents tired… and eventually sick.

Because, KID GERMS.

Keep Your Sick Kids Home!

I'm sure I am going to ruffle some feathers, but I don't care. Please keep your sick kids at home. Can I get an AMEN???

Posted by That's Inappropriate on Monday, September 10, 2018


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