8 Things Millennial Parents Do That Other Generations Didn’t


Sensitive, entitled, internet addicts — there are a lot of stereotypes about millennials and how they act. As a millennial myself, I get it. Some of the stereotypes are true, but others are just jealousy or confusion from older generations who seem to not understand the younger people. And millennial parents often have even more stereotypes piled on them. 


Right now, millennials are between the ages of 25-40 and they’re starting to procreate. Research shows that 55% of all millennial women (19 million to be exact) have given birth to a child.

That’s a lot of kids being raised by millennials. Watch out, here come the snowflakes raising kids. (I actually had someone say that to me and yes, I told them their comment was rude.) 

Negativity aside, there are a lot of positive parts to being millennial parents. Take the internet, for example.

We can download almost any book and the apps available can help numerous situations. We can track our baby’s sleep, our toddler’s behavior, or help our school-aged kid read. Pretty cool, right?

Here are some other things millennial parents do:

millennial parents laughing with their two kids in their home
Photo credit: Adobe Photo Stock

Millennial parents can and do “Google it”

Your kid has a funky rash? Google it. Are they spiking a fever and you’re not sure if it’s just teething? Google it. How do you start potty training? Google it. When do babies learn to talk? Google it. 

Speaking as a digital native, I am thankful I can look up anything I want online and have an answer within seconds. Now the only problem is vetting a qualified, correct answer.

But overall, millennials have access to all of the latest recommendations from pediatricians, teachers, and scientists for their kids’ safety, health, and well-being. 

Millennial parents are raising dogs and kids together

Millennials are the biggest canine-loving generation yet (but we see you coming for us, Gen Z). Eighty percent of millennials have at least one dog.

Have you heard the saying that you must keep a plant alive, then you can get a dog, and once you keep it alive long enough, then you can have a baby? It’s very common that millennial parents have a “fur baby” first before they have a real, human baby.

Millennial parents are part of at least one parenting group on Facebook

I wanted to be cool and not be a mommy Facebook follower, but here I am, a member of  four Facebook groups for moms/parents. To be fair, two of them are just for parents living in my local school district.

And you know what? They are so dang helpful. They’re my go-to for answers if Google fails me. Also, the people in these groups post amazing deals on used clothes, toys, and books.

Millennial parents have a couple favorite mommy (or daddy) Instagram influencers

I openly stalk — I mean follow — at least 10 women on Instagram just because they are moms and I love watching how they parent and try to balance life.

It’s not just parenting techniques we love to follow for, it’s also their pregnancy or postpartum style, their life hacks, schooling choices, and the most important of all: how they commiserate on the tough parts of being a parent.

And I follow some parents just for their hilarious and moderately irreverent memes about raising kids.

Millennial parents share pictures of our kids on social media

Eight-one percent of millennial parents have shared pictures of their kids on social media. Maybe it’s because we basically grew up on social media? Maybe it’s because it’s one of our primary ways to connect with family and friends?

Either way, millennial parents are likely to capture most of their kids’ precious moments online.

Personally, I don’t post pictures of my kids online. But that doesn’t mean that I or the other 19% of millennial parents are any less proud of our kids, we’re just a little bit more private.

Millennial parents know Target is the cool place to hang out with your kid(s)

Okay, this one is tough. I make fun of people who do this and I do it (I’m really leaning into my hypocritical life here.) But Target has something figured out! They have it all in ONE place.

I don’t even have to leave the store to get my hot, caffeinated drink or my special calorie-dense sugary treat. I can get clothes, a picture frame I never needed, and the box of diapers I actually needed, all in one place.

Plus, I can spend $20 on more toys for my kids just because it kept them happy as I perused the store.

Millennial parents are spending more time with our kids

Some people think we spend less time with their kids because most millennial moms and dads both participate in paid work — this is false.

Studies show the average mom spends 104 minutes caring for her kids now vs. only 54 minutes in 1965. And the average dad spends 59 minutes a day caring for his kids vs. only 16 minutes a day in 1965. 

While that time may not sound like a lot, it’s double for moms and quadruple for dads. Which is impressive considering half of millennial couples both work full-time vs. only 31% in the 1970s. 

Bonus: More than half of millennial parents are equally sharing in household chores, disciplining, and playing with the kids. Now we’re not perfect, and we’re still learning (as all parents across all generations are), but there are definitely some unique parts to being a millennial parent. 


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