Lindsey E Althaus
Our Special Needs Family Is Excited That These Stores Are Finally Offering Adaptation Clothing
Our special needs family is excited that mainstream stores are finally offering adaptation clothing this year.
“Are you ready to go back to school?!” Is...
Here’s Why I Married The Quiet Guy
In the world where the answer is at your fingertips and everyone has an opinion of you it’s hard to figure out who you...
Why Special Needs Moms Need To Find Their Tribe
I remember being in college and hanging out with friends all the time. You had your education friends, the friends you made during Freshman...
10 Things I Wish Parents Would Teach Their Children About Kids With Disabilities
It was a typical Saturday. We were invited to a picnic, it was a small affair of my husband's family. We were excited to...
What My Husband Said In The NICU That Changed Everything
I stood there sobbing which was my new persona those days. The nurse stood there sobbing too. Even though I felt like I failed Jeremy didn’t think so. Even though I was convinced that Whit would be better off with someone else Jeremy didn’t think so.