My Second Book Is Here!


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My second book, Clash of the Couples, is HERE! Although I’m still tinkering with Createspace to get the cover snippet right (the problem is on their end), I couldn’t be more proud and excited to see this book launch. If you haven’t heard of it (where have you been?), here’s what it’s all about:

Clash of the Couples is a new anthology featuring a collection of absurd lovers’ quarrels and relationship spats. Couples just starting their journeys and those who have been together “forever” will relate to dozens of short stories running the “one said, the other said” gamut—from disagreements over furniture, to who gets the last beer, to where to store the placenta (yes, you read that right).

The book has been endorsed by a number of humor and publishing heavyweights, including Josh Blue, comedian and winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, and Abby Heugel, popular humorist and blogger at Abby Has Issues. Squeee! Look at what they had to say:

“If you’re looking for a fun read, check out Clash of the Couples. I could relate to the couples in this honest and hilarious collection of modern relationship tales. Clash of the Couples bursts with the real stuff that couples fight about and will make you laugh while shaking your head at the ridiculousness of it!” said Blue.

Heugel shares his sentiments. “Married, single, destined for spinsterhood—it doesn’t matter what angle you come at this book from, you will find something that you can relate to. And you will laugh, because even if you can’t relate to that particular situation, you’ll just be glad that it happened to somebody else.”

This is a huge day, and I’d love your help in making it a success. Here’s what you can do:

1) Buy a copy of the book! It’s available on Amazon and other retailers! If you do pick one up, THANK YOU!

2) If you received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) or beta review copy, please leave an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Be sure to mention at the end of your review that you did receive an advanced copy.

3) Ask your library or bookstore to order it! Don’t be shy! Mention the success of my other book The Mother of All Meltdowns (#1 parenting best seller; great review by Publisher’s Weekly).

4) Spread the word! Please tell your friends, colleagues, family, the guy at the toll gate—anyone and everyone—about the book!

5) Share it on social media—Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Use the hashtag #ClashoftheCouples to get retweeted or shared by a buttload of co-authors!

6) Instagram a picture of yourself holding the book for a chance to win a free copy! Remember to use the hashtag #ClashoftheCouples.

Thank you so much for all of your support!




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