The Dicks Are Getting Hitched And Their Wedding Hashtag Generator Produces Comedy Gold


Getting married is something many women start planning from a very young age. I can remember being a child and planning out exactly what my dress, flowers, color scheme and bridesmaids dresses would one day look like.


The day finally comes and suddenly you’re being asked to spend the rest of your life with the man of your dreams and literally the last thing on your mind in that very moment are seating arrangements, hor d’oeuvres, photographers, or the unique hashtag you’ll dream up later to keep your precious memories just one # search away.

But, maybe it should be?

Social media has changed everything. And it can sometimes make things, well – awkward.

Because social media has become the bane of our existence over the past decade, you can’t even truly call yourself “committed” in your relationships if you haven’t at least announced it on Facebook for all 2503 of your closest family, friends, coworkers, distant friends and all of their friends and distant cousins.

(Plus all the other random members of the community that looked vaguely familiar so you accepted their friend request and every member of their family too, just to be safe).

You get engaged, you call your mom, you share it on Facebook for the world to see. Them’s the rules in 2020. 

Tyler Dick understands the importance of the ‘gram and that’s why when his wife, Ali asked him to help set up their website, he jumped at the opportunity to seek out a clever, but fitting phrase that would be sure to wow their guests.

Photo Credit: Tyler Dick

And, the results? WOW. Just WOW.

Tyler posted on Facebook about his efforts (and woes of having the last name DICK) and the post is quickly going viral. He shared that his bride-to-be left him with the task of picking a name for their wedding website so he did what anyone in this social media age would do. 

He used a married name hashtag generator on Shutterfly. Yes, it’s a thing. 

I put our info into a name generator. We can’t stop laughing. Let us know which ones you like!

Shutterfly accidentally went balls deep on the dick jokes and I think we can all agree, #TheDicksFTW sounds about right.

One way to win over your new in-laws is to invite them to your wedding festivities with subtle hints like, #BornToBeADick #CallingAllDicks #AllDicksAllTheTime

I mean, the jokes write themselves here, really. 

Wondering what my future father-in-law is going to think of me after he scrolls through pictures of his daughters wedding alongside PornHub features (eeek).

#EveryoneGetDicked #CantGetEnoughDick #OMGItsDicks are some of my personal favorites. 

All joking aside, #EatDrinkAndBeDicks might be the perfect way to describe literally every family party I’ve ever attended IN. MY. LIFE.

And then there is the subliminal messaging where you secretly tell your entire guest list how your love story REALLY started #OnceUponADick

Or, if you are still trying to convince them that even though you’ve lived together for YEARS and already share two kids, but somehow managed to keep your virginity in-tact, #LoveWaitsForDick might just do the trick:

Dick down might mean something totally different after you announce you’re together going to be #DickRollingDeep

Any of us who have been “happily” married for many years can really appreciate the #DickMarriedLife

There is absolutely no question in my mind that this couple is in for a lifetime of love, laughter, and a never ending stream of dick jokes.

Photo Credit: Tyler Dick

With hashtags like these, I can’t wait to see what their registry looks like.

Forget Bed & Bath, this one is registering at the Beyond, no doubt. I’m not sure if they decided on a hashtag for the wedding yet, but I would bet this bachelorette party will be one none of their friends will want to miss!

Photo Credit: Tyler Dick

But seriously, we wish all the best to the happy couple! We’re on #OnCloudDick right there with them. 

Ali asked me to help pick a name for our wedding website. I put our info into a name generator. We can't stop laughing. Let us know which ones you like!

Posted by Tyler Dick on Friday, February 21, 2020



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