Woman Crochets the Weirdest, Most 2020 Costume You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee


Finding JUST the right Halloween costume can really be a challenge. You want a costume that really represents you- something you can wear that not only fits your frame, but fits your own personality.


For many, the store-bought costume options available just don’t cut it; they’d rather make their own. Screw the plethora of sexy pirate, sexy nurse, or sexy superhero costumes on the market these days!

Maybe you want something original. Something unique. Something more… natural.

(And by “natural”, we mean AU NATURAL.)

An artist created one of the most unique Halloween costumes of 2020, and her Facebook post has gone viral because, it’s “reveal” is definitely, well, REVEALING.

Allyson Kennedy loves working with her hands, and she’s darn good at it, too. Allyson is an artist who shares the fruits of her talent on her Facebook page, Allyson Kennedy Artist. She has created a lovely array of face masks, jewelry, blankets, & clothing.

But it’s her latest creation that is drawing plenty of attention: her Halloween costume.

It’s not just any costume, mind you, but as Allyson points out in her Facebook post, a real winner:


Oh, it’s a WINNER, alright. She wore it to a local costume contest event, & won!

And it’s also the most 2020-appropriate costume I’ve ever seen, because this year, everything.is.weird.

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

I know, I know. Your eyes don’t even know where to stop as you scan it, and they also might need a good bleaching after taking this all in.

The costume is described as a “crochet body suit”. And that’s true on so many levels. It’s definitely a BODY, in all it’s unabashed naked glory, and it’s covering all of her actual body in a way that’s giving me a “it puts the lotion in the basket” sort of vibe.

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

Yep. Totally a Silence Of The Lambs second skin feel going here.

Remember back in the 80s how claustrophobic those plastic Halloween costume face masks felt? Imagine being buttoned into a full-body one. (Well, one without giant boobs & pubic hair, anyway.)

You want to look away… but you still can’t. I know, my friends. Fascinating, right?!

Crocheting a full-body suit is quite a complicated task as you might imagine (not that you would have imagined making this. Probably EVER.), and took a great deal of time & effort to create.

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

It was also hard for Allyson to keep this creation on the down-low; as she explains in her post,

This costume took over a month to make. I had to wait to share because it was a surprise to everyone.

It’s definitely… surprising.

Now we need to acknowledge that the costume’s face is a full-on Monet (“from far away it’s ok, but up close it’s a big ole’ mess”). Actually, from further away, the face of this costume is still alarming.

But yarn lady definitely has some ASSets.

In case the full-frontal view isn’t enough, check out a side view:

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

Allyson’s crochet chick has more boobage that I haven’t seen since one-week-postpartum, and her badonkadonk is banging!

And Crochet Chick KNOWS it- check out her sweet tramp stamp:

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

I never thought there would be a day when I would be jealous of a crocheted ass, but today, my friends, is that day. This angle is perfection. You could bounce a quarter off that thing.

Clearly Allyson wanted to make this costume authentic:

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

You can clearly see that creating this epic costume took an incredible amount of time & expertise. It took me six days to crochet a single mitten in home ec class, (and I somehow only made three finger holes), so props to Allyson’s stellar crocheting skills!

Just look at that detail!

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

And in case you wondered, Allyson’s family was apparently supportive of her efforts:

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

Although it’s certainly odd, social media has found Allyson’s crocheted body-suit costume hilarious, with her post earning 35K shares and 13K comments in just four days.

Some people were concerned about the “mechanics” of it:

(No pee hole, but she stitched in full-on labia. No, seriously- check out her original post photos to see it. Or don’t, if yarn vag isn’t your thing. Which I sincerely hope it isn’t.)

Yasss! “Grandma, what’s this?” “Oh, honey, back in MY day…”

So the YARN COLOR is your concern here?? That’s what makes you give a hard pass of this sweatsuit of pseudo-human flesh? Noted.

Neither can we, Barry. Neither can we.

Agreed. But at least she’s got polish on them, which is more than most of us can say by late October, so…

Why, Jordy?? Sweet mother of God, WHY???

It does look odd, dear Malcolm, which was precisely Allyson’s point. 

She knew what she was doing, people. If you think it’s weird, & unsettling, yet also amusing, then you GET IT.

And I’m sure it’s quite warm, and probably perfect for lounging on the couch on a chilly October evening…

Photo Credit: Allyson Kennedy Artist (Facebook)

Yup. Apparently it is. Warm. cozy, creepy, and surely 2020’s most fitting Halloween costume!


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