WTH is with these parenting forum acronyms?


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Since entering the mommy blogging world, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in online communities and forums related to everything from pregnancy and breastfeeding to moms over 30 and more.  I’ve enjoyed discussing important and relevant topics with other moms and dads and find the atmosphere in most groups and forums to be welcoming and friendly. I have to admit though, I’ve been somewhat baffled by the acronyms that people use. Wait. Let me clarify that statement. I’ve been going freaking bonkers not knowing what the hell kind of language is being used by A LOT of moms and dads.

I finally took some time to research the most frequently used acronyms and abbreviations. I’ve listed below what each stands for and what I thought each meant in parentheses. I might be more MommiFried than I originally thought.

DD – Dear or Darling Daughter (Dunkin’ Donuts – come on, you thought it, too.)

DS – Dear or Darling Son (dipshit)

AP – attachment parenting (absent parent)

AF – Aunt Flo (always fertile)

VBAC – vaginal birth after caesarean section (very broke after children)

TTA – trying to avoid getting pregnant (that time again?)

SO – significant other (sooooo – like oh yeah, what’s up – in big letters for emphasis)

BFP – big fat positive (big f**king problems)

FTM – first time mom (for the moment)

MIL – mother-in-law (mother I’d like – yeah, yeah, yeah)

Aunt Flo (Who the hell is Aunt Flo?)

O’d – ovulated (Shit! Call an ambulance! This mother has gone mad!)

FMU – first morning urine (f**K my uterus)

FF – formula feed (Friday Follow – duh, that’s what this is!)

TOM – time of the month (obviously Aunt Flo’s nephew)

POAS – pee on a stick (WTF?)

LOK – lots of kids (Look out, kids!)

BC – birth control (before children)

Anyone know how to get in touch with this Flo chick?



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