Parents often say that they’d do anything for their kids, but one dad truly went the extra mile -actually, several hundred miles- to spend Christmas with his daughter.
You’re going to want to file this story under the “Cutest Dad Move EVER” category, because dad Hal Vaughan’s gesture is quickly going viral on social media because it’s heartwarming and adorable.
When Delta Airlines flight attendant Pierce Vaughan broke the news to her family that she had to work on both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, her father Hal wasn’t having it. Instead of having his daughter miss out on some quality family bonding during the holidays, he took advantage of her employee reduced flight ticket discount to spend time with her… in the air!

Yup- Hal booked himself as a passenger on the same flights that his daughter Pierce was working on, and traveled from Florida, to Detroit, to Massachusetts. He took six flights just to be with her.
This sweet gesture caught the attention of Hal’s seatmate, Mike Levy, who shared it on his Facebook page.

Levy was extremely touched by this Vaughan’s impressive display of love for his daughter, as stated in his post:
Others were obviously touched by it as well; the post quickly garnered massive social media shares, earning over 168K likes and 33K shares within three days.
Of course Pierce was thrilled by her Dad’s tremendous efforts, but even more so that he was publicly acknowledged- thanks to Mike Levy. She posted her appreciation on her parents’ Facebook page to Delta Airlines:
A special thanks to all of the patient, wonderful gate agents around the country and my perfect crew. He made it on every flight and even got first class RSW-DTW (Christmas miracle)
So Hal was even bumped up to First Class by Pierce’s supportive co-workers; how cool is that?!
And more importantly, she thanked Levy for making Hal a shoo-in for “Dad Of The Year” by bringing public attention to it.
Shoutout to Mike Levy for being a great first class passenger & helping us to understand how cool this actually is!
We talk a good game about how family is really what the holidays are all about, but Hal proved just how true that is by going to such great lengths to squeeze in some time with his working daughter.
It’s a beautiful moment that truly embodies the kind of sacrifices we parents make in order to show our love to our children.
Hal’s decision to go to great lengths to spend any amount of time with his daughter is one of those cool, “best Dad ever!” moments. We moms often get a lion’s share of the credit for the efforts we make with our kids, so to see a dad being publicly lauded for his own tremendous display of love is even more meaningful.
You go, Hal! Thanks for setting the Dad bar nice & high!
I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home. His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had…
Posted by Mike Levy on Monday, December 24, 2018
I would love to but one of your sweatshirts, I have looked on your site everywhere for “the love of” . Can’t find it. Can u please tell me how to order 1 if there is any. Or when u do sell them where or how can I order one!! Thx Sheila ps/ I love you and Tiffany!! You 2 are so funny!!!