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Angela Williams Glenn

Angela Williams Glenn writes about the struggles and joys of motherhood on her website Stepping into Motherhood. Her book Moms, Monsters, Media, and Margaritas examines the expectations verse the realities of motherhood in our modern day digital era and her book Letters to a Daughter is an interactive journal for mothers to their daughters. She’s also been published with Chicken Soup for the Soul, Her View from Home, and Truly Taavi. You can find her on her facebook page at Stepping into Motherhood.

What NOT To Do If You Want Sex With Your Wife Tonight

Sometimes in marriage it's hard to squeeze in sex with your wife. As women when it's time we want to be hot and ready...

Anxiety, You Are A Thief

For years you have been there skirting in the shadows. You're like a stalker waiting there to steal any moment of reprieve I may...

8 Ways Having Your Third Kid Is Different Than The First

When pregnant with our first we’re so set that we’re going to rock this parent thing and probably do it better than all those...

10 Things I Know About Raising Little Boys

After growing up with only sisters and then raising girls for seven years, I was welcomed into the boy mom world a few years...

5 Reasons We Don’t Worry About Bedtime

I know plenty of parents that live and die by the sleep training bedtime schedule, but three kids into this parenting thing and that...

Why I Let My Kids Set Their Own Screen Time Limits

As much as I am well aware of the addiction of technology with the teenagers I teach I do not have screen time limits...

This Is What Depression Feels Like When You’re In It

I'm a get tougher, kid, kind of person. Ask my husband or my sister or my kids. It's either "it's not that bad" or...

12 Super Hero Like Skills Motherhood Has Given Me

I came into motherhood with a college degree and years of babysitting experience so I thought I had all the skills I needed to...

To My Daughter As She Graduates From High School

My daughter as you graduate from high school, As your graduation day approaches I am filled with a joy and a sadness as I watch you...

Postpartum Depression, Should I Get Help

The dirt just kept piling on top of me, the walls closing in, snuffing out the last of the light. I could feel my...