Baby, Where Did You Go?


Baby, where did you go?

Those chubby thighs still remain, but you now stand tall and strong on your own, without assistance.

You try with fervent determination to use those legs to take you where you want to go, and though you can’t quite make it yet, I hope there’s never a day where those legs carry you too far away from me.


Baby, where did you go?

Those wide eyes still remain, but now their thirst for exploration is insatiable.

You look less towards me and more of what lies ahead of you. You are constantly taking in your surroundings, absorbing more and more.

You are like a little sponge. There is a curiosity now in those eyes—a wonder in every sight and sound that crosses your path. I hope there’s never a day where those eyes don’t look to me in times of need.

Baby, where did you go?


Those gentle hands still remain, but they now grasp everything in sight.

They explore every nook and cranny, leaving me bewildered of what you are hoping to find. Those hands that used to reach up to touch my face, now, more often, reach out in front of you to find your way.

You run your tiny fingers over unfamiliar surfaces. I hope there’s never a day where those hands can’t find mine when you just need to be comforted.

Baby, where did you go?

The warm snuggles still remain, but you long for more freedom.

I hold you in my arms, and I can feel you squirming for release. Those same arms, which held you for hours on end for many nights, are now just a place for a quick respite. I hope there’s never a day where those arms can’t find me when you just need a hug.

Baby, where did you go?

I look at you now and while I know you’re still that same loveable baby that made me a mother, you are a clever and handsome grown-up.

I knew there would come a day where you wouldn’t need me anymore, baby, but that day came faster than I had hoped.

Baby, where did you go?

You seem to have disappeared overnight, and it has proven to be the greatest struggle for me as a mother.

I want to be your safe space.

I want to protect you for always.

But while I wish I could shield you from this huge, frightening world forever, I need you to go into it fully prepared.

I want you to explore.

To grow.

To learn.

To absorb.

So, baby, when I ask myself where you went, I know you haven’t really left.

You’re always in my heart.

Baby, where did you go?Those chubby thighs still remain, but you now stand tall and strong on your own, without…

Posted by Millennial Mom Confessions on Monday, February 10, 2020


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