Mom Heartbroken After 5-Year-Old Is Fat-Shamed By Daycare Employee


A lot of thought and time goes into selecting just the right daycare facility for your child, and it can be a daunting decision. You ideally want the staff to treat your child as they would their own- with the same love, tenderness, & respect that you bestow on your own child.


So imagine how hurtful it must be when you discover that those you entrusted your child with are ridiculing him or her. Or more specifically, fat-shaming him.

A Texas mom was devastated when she discovered a rude, fat-shaming letter written by one of the daycare employees that was stuffed into her son’s lunchbox.

Mom Francesca Easdon of Kingwood, Texas, explained in her own Facebook post how she had been working closely with her five-year-old son, Kyler, on breaking some of his pickier eating habits (any parent of a picky eater can sympathize!).

To do so, Francesca explained that:

I have been introducing new healthy options in his lunchbox and discussed the changes with his school.

She informed the staff at Rocking Horse Day Care of the recent changes.

Photo Credit: WECT

And in an effort to encourage Kyler, Francesca had placed a sweet note in his lunchbox, & kindly asked the staff to tell him that “she loves him so much.”

Have you ever left a little note in your kid’s backpack, pencil box, or lunch bag? I have, and they usually end up being a sweet, loving memory between you and your child. It should be one of those heartwarming parental moments.

But unfortunately, it didn’t end up that way. As Francesca explained it:

I sent this note in Kylers lunchbox, thinking that it would make him smile at lunch time, but instead, I received this in return from one of the teachers! 

Thankfully, Kyler cannot yet read. Can you imagine the sadness & devastation such a message would have sent him if he could read it?

Francesca’s original note to Kyler was still in his lunch box, but had been defaced by an offensive message that was scrawled on the bottom of her note by a daycare employee. 

Photo Credit: Francesca Easdon (Facebook)

This is the response that was written at the bottom on Francesca’s loving message for her son. Disgusting, isn’t it??

Obviously Francesca was shocked by the this bizarre, rude response, and immediately contacted the facility’s administration to request a meeting.

The very next morning, Francesca & her mother-in-law met with the director. And was the director apologetic for the disgusting actions of one of his employees?

Not so much; according to Easdon’s Facebook post:

 I was assured that it was being investigated and handled, yet almost no remorse was shown.

Of course it was being “investigated”, but the fact that the school didn’t seem particularly remorseful or even perturbed about the incident is even more distressing.

The teacher at fault allegedly confessed while Francesca was at work and was fired, but no further discussion or information was provided to her by the school at all.

So a day care employee at a facility that Francesca was paying to protect, educate, & nurture her son not only fat-shamed him, but insulted Francesca with the final, “GO AWAY!”

For a childcare employee to mock the weight of a young child in his or her care in the first place is cruel.

But it’s even more mind-boggling that the employee had the audacity to be confrontational enough to write such a message, knowing that the parent would receive it.

It’s a big deal. It’s not just the actions of one stupid employee. The school’s aloof attitude toward the incident is disappointing, too- the employee was fired after admitting to writing the note, but the administration didn’t bother to follow-up with Francesca to inform her.

The lack of reaction, period, from the school’s director spoke volumes to Francesca:

Zero remorse for their actions.

I am disgusted that I put my trust in these people to care for my child and this is what I get in return.

That’s the bottom line, here: Daycare facilities are not just warehouses meant to hold our children. They are paid, and paid WELL, to provide tender loving care of the charges that they are entrusted with.

It can be devastating to know that someone that you trusted your child’s well-being with treating them in a disrespectful, hurtful manner. It’s not just about our kids’ physical safety, but their mental and emotional well-being, too.

Thankfully, Francesca found another wonderful facility to enroll Kyler in, but she shared her story in the hopes that other parents monitor their own children’s daycare facilities closely. Not every daycare is deserving of such trust; she reminds parents that some facilities:

do NOT deserve the privilege of teaching our children.

It IS a privilege to be entrusted with someone’s young children, & hopefully daycare facilities like Rocking Horse Day Care will take this privilege far more seriously now.



So now that I have handled the situation I want to share what happened to Kyler and I. We have been working with Kyler…

Posted by Francesca Easdon on Wednesday, November 13, 2019


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