One of the biggest differences between adults and children is the desire to rest. While adults crave rest & relish every (rare) opportunity to slow down, kids seem to ramp up at the end of the night.
After a marathon of a day -especially now that kids are home 24/7- most parents cannot wait until bedtime. But just as you’re about to cross the finish line of the marathon, your weary feet trip over a child that suddenly morphs into an endlessly hungry & thirsty bedtime philosopher.
One mom was so amused by her son’s clever conversational bedtime stalls that she documented 30 days of their nightly exchange in a Twitter thread that has now gone viral because all parents live it, too.
Mom Kate Bowler’s 6-year-old son has got some SERIOUS GAME when it comes to the bedtime delay. Every single night he asks his mother one question as she tucks him into bed:
Every night, in the sweetest voice, my six year old asks me a question in order to try and stall me from leaving. I commit to documenting these questions every night for the next 30 days because THAT KID HAS GAME.
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 2, 2020
While he’s only six years old, clearly her son knows EXACTLY what he’s doing (or trying to do, anyway), because he gives that same sweet voice that kids use when they ask for candy or more time on their electronic devices.
Kate committed to sharing the nightly question for 30 days in what has now become one of Twitter’s most adorably amusing tweet threads ever.
While the little dude likely has a curious mind during daytime hours as well, it’s clear that he gives his nightly question some DEEP thought in the hopes that it will at least delay mom’s exit:
Tonight: Mom……mom? Mom. Ok, mom. Have you ever eaten a pumpkin? COME BACK. Mom. Have you ever eaten pumpkin seeds? MOM WHAT DO THEY TASTE LIKE!!!!!!!!!
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 2, 2020
It’s clear that this isn’t Kate’s first rodeo when it comes to bedtime kid trickery; she doesn’t fall for his verbal shenanigans. But the mental image of him yelling,
.. in desperation to his mom’s departing back is frigging hilarious.
He just yelled “DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WITH ONE EYE?” into the darkness.
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 4, 2020
This kid is GOOD. While I might not have fallen for this one by coming back into the room to answer, you can bet your bippy that I just pondered if I DO know someone with one eye (I don’t).
Spoiler Alert: You just mentally debated if you do, too. Kate’s right:
Night 3
Boy: Okay mom. Goodnight. Mom, why do you have so much hair? Okay, night. Why is hair made of cylinders? MOM. I want to learn the a-cord-on. A-cordial? ACCORDION. IT GOES LIKE THIS [frantically mimes accordion playing] MOM COME BACK ACCORDIONS ARE MADE OF BEES
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 5, 2020
You can sense the panic here: we’ve got free association. You know this little guy’s brain was racing, thinking, “What will pause her- hair? Yes, hair!! No wait- accordions… BEES! I’ll try BEES!!!”
(Note: Kate points out in the subsequent tweet that he’d already been tucked three times, so clearly little man was adopting a “go big or go home” approach.)
Him: goodnight mom. Love you.
Me: love you (leaves)
Him: (next room) Mom? Is cheese funny? I think it is. I only like STRING cheese. …Mom? Mom. MOM. IS GOOGLE A PERSON?AND WAS GOD EVER BORN?!???
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 6, 2020
Is cheese funny? Not necessarily. But his progression from string cheese to Google and then GOD’s birth is hysterical.
Me: I love you so much. Goodnight sweetie.
Him: does Dad have a job?
Me: yes.
Him: as a ghost pirate?
Me: not exactly
Him: right right right. That was a long time ago. When you were a kid. In the Civil Wars.
Me: goodnight lovie
Him: a long, long, long, long..
Me: GOODNIGHT— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 7, 2020
I was genuinely curious what Dad’s job is since he’s “not exactly” a ghost pirate, but the best part of this one:
That was a long time ago. When you were a kid. In the Civil Wars.
(Nice try, kiddo. That’s definitely not gonna win you any brownie points with Mom!)
Him: I don’t have a question.
Me: Oh! Okay! Goodnight lovie.
Him: But I put something in the sink.
Me: Wait, what?
Him: I found it outside. It’s part of a lizard tail. By tomorrow, it will grow back into a lizard.
Me: ….I see your logic.— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 10, 2020
DAMN, KID!!! Now that was a master move. No question tonight, mom… but there may, or may not be part of a lizard in the kitchen sink. No biggie. Sleep tight, mom!
(I’ve got six kids, and I’D have fallen for that one. I’d have a flashlight up in that drain, hoping I didn’t see a lizard tail. Or a regenerating lizard.)
Him: (praying) and thank you God for snakes, Amen.
Me: Goodnight sweetie.
Him: But what is the difference between an ogre and a troll?
Him: Are you not answering because you don’t believe in Big Foot?
Him: (whispering) ….because he is *reaaaaaaaaaaall*— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 16, 2020
Another slick one; a good conspiracy theory can keep people talking for hours. Well played, kid.
Me: love you sweetie. Night.
Him: goodnight. To all the crystals.
Me: okay
Him: who was the first person to ever find a crystal?
Me: goodnight love.
Him: in a caaaaaaaaaaaave with maaaaaaaany secrets.
Me: I don’t know how to explain you to other people.— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 17, 2020
I wouldn’t be surprised if this kid knows all of the secrets in the cave of crystals, because he’s obviously a higher evolved species of child, so….
Him: before you try to put me to bed I am talking to you about my pet.
Me: you don’t have a pet, hon.
Him: I knew you would be reeeeeaaaally scared. you don’t even have to see it.
Me: ….. are you telling me
Me: (to husband) PLEASE COME IN HERE
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 19, 2020
Back to the animal strategy. Definitely a winning move, because no one wants to be the parents that assumed this wasn’t true (just check out this opossum story as proof!)
Me: Night lovie
Him: Does God sleep? Does God sleep on another planet? God didn’t make me Mom. You made me. With your body. And when I came out we looked at each and it was LOVE MOM. I love wolves. Can we make a wolf? With a collar? With a crystal on the collar? Tomorrow? Wolfs?
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 19, 2020
Questions about God & the universe go a long way; so does flattery:
And when I came out we looked at each other and it was LOVE MOM.
Him: Mom, can we talk about boats?
Me: one thing and then eyes closed
Him: OKAY (deep breath) because pirates are REAL and are alive NOW. But mostly they killed a-chother or were killed by GIANT SQUIDS or monsters that (giant arms) SQUEEZE BOATS AND CRUSH THEM. Sigh. Goodnight.
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 20, 2020
*sigh* Fine, mom. YOU try and sleep when real pirates are getting squeezed & crushed by giant squids. You don’t even KNOW.
Him: Mom, what can I trade you? (shows me my own coin collection)
Me: No lovie. Not right now. Night.
Him: I’m trading you for this. (hands me my own childhood bear)
Me: You’re giving me my own stuff back
Him: A trade! Choose coin or bear
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) April 30, 2020
If clever conversation fails, there’s always more strong-armed tactics to try…
This morning. I’m drinking coffee staring out a window.
He wanders in wearing pjs, sleepy and quiet. Stumbles over, climbs up and lies across my lap with his head dangling upside down over the edge of the chair.
Him: Mom, do you think you really felt prepared for parenthood?
— Kate Bowler (@KatecBowler) May 4, 2020
Little man MUST be tired after all of his hard work at bedtime. And no- no one could feel prepared for this sophisticated level of bedtime stall attempts, kiddo. But this little genius’ nightly musings have not only kept his (tired) mother laughing, but thousands of parents on Twitter as well.