Super Simple CPR: A Free eBook That Could Save a Life


I’m so excited to share the news about a FREE eBook that’s available for download. It’s called Super Simple CPR ( from pediatric nurse and CPR instructor Grace Ghazarian.



For years I was certified in CPR, a life-saving technique that EVERYONE should properly know how to administer when and if the time comes.

Although I have not attended a class for quite some time, I’m certain that I could apply the skills I’ve learned and give someone a shot at living another day. This book was a great refresher, reminding me in very simple terms when, how, and what to do.

Here are some statistics to be aware of… According to the American Heart Association, only 32 percent of cardiac arrest victims get CPR from a bystander. Cardiac arrests are more common than you think, and they can happen to anyone at any time.

Surprisingly, four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home. 

Statistically speaking, if called on to administer CPR in an emergency, the life you save is likely to be someone you know: a child, a spouse, a parent, or a friend. Your ability to react and take action could mean the difference between life and death of someone you love.

Super Simple CPR covers seven major points including:

  1. What does CPR stand for?
  2. What are compressions?
  3. What are the breaths doing?
  4. What is an AED?
  5. How do I know if someone needs CPR?
  6. Do I worry about safety?
  7. When do I stop?

Also included are two real-life rescue stories.

While the stories might not line up exactly with the guidelines, they will serve to demonstrate how early response is so critical in an emergency.

I want you to download this very important eBook. I want you to learn the basics of CPR, because if we’re ever together enjoying a cup of coffee or at a blog convention or wherever and I suddenly go into cardiac arrest… I want you to have a shot at saving me. Or your child. Or spouse. Or the nosy neighbor. It doesn’t matter who it is, get the book and get educated on CPR.

Do you know the basics of CPR? Have you ever used this technique to save a life?


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