To My Big Kids Living Their Best Lives – Here Are Some Rules.


When my kids were small, I dreamt of the days when they would be older and more independent. Man, I just looked forward to the days that I could use the bathroom without an audience.


Fast forward about 10 years – little did I know, that having tweens and teens comes with a whole new set of problems.

There are times when I am feeling more like a taxi service and less like a parent.

Instead of only having school dropoff and sports practice, we have now added on trips to meet at the mall, and dropping off at a friend’s house to “hang out.”

They have busier social lives than I do. And I can tell you hands down that kids at this age are not the most appreciative of their live-in chauffeur service. So I am laying down the law. 

Here Are Some Rules for My Kids Living Their Best Lives:

1.No, I will not drive you to Sarah’s house to do a TikTok.

I sure as hell have better things to do than drive you somewhere to film yourself dancing while sticking out your tongue with a belly shirt on for social media. No thank you.

2. No, you do not NEED to go to the mall with your friends to get froyo in the food court for the 3rd time this week.

I like a good ice cream as much as the next girl, but mama just took her bra off so that ain’t happening.

3. No, you can not attend three birthday parties this weekend for kids that I have never even heard you mention EVER.

There are only 20 children in the class, so why does it feel like I have driven you to 1000 birthday parties this year?

4. No, you can not choose two different after school activities that are across town with only 5 minutes between practice.

I know I claim to be a superwoman, but I can not fly. Sure, I love driving around for 3 hours from one activity to the next every night said no mom ever.

5. No, I can’t pick up Jason to come over our house because his parents are too busy.

Do my kids think I have nothing better to do with my time? I mean, seriously.

6. No, I don’t want you going for another sleepover where you call me at 2 am to come home.

Sleepovers for tweens are like playdates that include middle of the night journeys. There is nothing I want to do more in life than to pick up my grumpy, sleep-deprived tween in the middle of the night for the 3rd Saturday in a row.

7. No, our minivan is not an Uber-mobile.

I can not drive you anywhere and everywhere on a whim just because you are bored at home.

Find a hobby!

Being a mom of a tween of teen makes me feel like an underappreciated cook, maid, social secretary, waitress, teacher and chauffeur at times.

I don’t get Holidays, Sick pay or Days off. I work all day and through the night at times with this mom gig of mine. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life!

Us moms are an overworked and under-appreciated group. Sure, I can rock the chauffeur uniform as well as the next mom, but a little appreciation goes a long way.

As much as I may complain about it, I am a proud mom. I am EVERYTHING to these little buggers and that is enough for me.

But, just remember kids, this mama is tired. And no I’m not just your driver now. 


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