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Karen Szabo

Karen Szabo
Karen Szabo is a part-time worker by day, boy-mom by night, and blogger at www.theantsybutterfly.com any time in between. She’s doing her best to keep her sanity by writing about life as an anxious mom. She’s a contributor for The Mighty and has written for some of her favourite sites such as Mom Cave TV, Sunshine Spoils Milk, Sammiches & Psych Meds, and Scary Mommy. Karen can be found on Twitter @AntsyButterfly, Instagram, and Facebook where she shares her truths about the best and hardest job in the world: Parenting.
hearing impaired

I’m Hearing Impaired And Sometimes It Crushes Me As A Mother

“What?” “Pardon?” “What was that?” Ever get irritated with hearing variations of "what?" eleventy billion times a day? I know I get irritated with responding...
like my kid

I Don’t Have To Like My Kid All The Time

As a parent to one high-strung, strong-willed, and free-spirited 4-year-old boy, I experience days where I do not like the small person sitting beside me...

No One Really Likes To Talk About the Rage That Comes From Anxiety

It's taken me nearly a week to settle from the whirlwind of emotions that occurred in my house last week. It weighed heavily on...

I’m Paying the Price Of Overeating This Winter, but Here’s Why I Won’t Do...

It’s getting close to spring and everyone is racing to lose those extra 5, 10, 15 pounds they consumed over the cold winter months....

Here’s Why I Need Two and a Half Hours Alone Before Bed To Feel...

Two and a half hours. That’s the magic number. Two and a half hours. That is the amount of time I need to myself, or even split...

Depression Doesn’t Want Me To Feel Good Or Worthy. But, I Fought Hard Today.

I forced myself to get dressed and go down to the waiting treadmill in the basement. But I didn't want to, no. I wanted to bask...

If I’m Being Honest, The Thought Of Homeschooling Again Is Breaking Me

Uncertainty fills me with anxiety and panic, and I reached my threshold of how much I can take on before the dam broke and...

Four WTF Realities Of Becoming A Work At Home Parent

It’s a been two months and we’ve reached the acceptance stage of quarantine life, mostly since there’s no end-date in sight. For the time being,...

To My Family, From an Anxious Mom

To my husband from your anxious wife, I’m sorry I can’t be the partner you need me to be, or at least the partner I...