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Heidi Hamm

Heidi Hamm
Heidi Hamm is a writer, wife, and mom of three. You can find her writing about the joys and insanities of parenting and life on Sammiches and Psych Meds, Scary Mommy, The Huffington Post, and Perfection Pending, amongst others. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
photo of whale jumping out of the ocean

NSFW Whale Pics Go Viral on FB And The Comments Are Pure Comedy Gold

Whale-watching tours are a popular activity on people's bucket lists. People spend upwards of $100 or more to get up close and personal with...
home video of woman pouring drano

Nanny Cam Footage Allegedly Shows Wife Poisoning Husband With Drano

In a story right out of a true crime podcast, a Southern California woman is accused of allegedly trying to poison her husband. And according...

TikTok Mom “A Few Drinks In” Sparks Debate When She Lets Her Friend Breastfeed...

When it comes to feeding your baby, a mother will do whatever it takes...and understandably so. After all, a baby's gotta eat and FED IS...
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Snapchat Finally Introduces Parental Controls To Help You Keep Tabs On Your Teens

Parenting in the digital age isn't for the faint of heart. With devastating stories like Dr.Laura Berman's son overdosing on drugs he bought on Snapchat...

“Oh Sandy,” Our ’80s Hearts Will Never Be The Same & These Tweets Prove...

Yesterday, the news broke that Olivia Newton-John has died. She was 73 years old.  Sob. As a card-carrying member of club Gen-X, I feel like a...

“They are humans not dogs,” Dad Dragged Online For Leashing His 5-Year-Old Children

Anyone who has ever taken a young child out in public knows what a shitshow it can be. There is nothing more stress-inducing than...

“Don’t Expose Your Kids To Scary Things,” Woman Sounds Off On Parents Who Allow...

I was five the first time I watched a scary movie (I have my babysitter to thank for that.) It was some campy, low-budget film...
boy in chucky costume

Alabama 5-Year-Old Dresses Up As Chucky; Spooking Neighborhood & Fueling Nightmares

For those of us of a certain age *ahem* we all remember the creepy murder doll from the 1980s hit horror flick, Child's Play.  "Hi,...
man wincing in pain experiencing period pain simulator

Men Hilariously Experience The Pain of Periods With Period Pain Simulator In Viral Video

It's no secret that every.single.blessed.month, women endure the pain and discomfort of getting their periods. The cramping, the backaches, the headaches, the mood swings... Men, you...
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British Mom’s Viral TikTok Sheds Light On The Shockingly High Cost of Child Care...

When I had my first child I was shocked to discover just how expensive child care is. So expensive, in fact, that after crunching all...