Reindeer Boobs Are The Holiday Party Trend That Won’t Go Away


‘Tis the season… for decorative boobage. Pack away your ugly Christmas sweaters, folks. It just might be a bit nippy out at your next holiday party, and how I wish I was just referring to the weather.


This rather risque Christmas style was floating around the corners of the Internet in the last few years, and every holiday season it somehow makes its way back.

We’re talking about reindeer-decorated boobs, and they’re quite, um, titillating?

This bizarre trend has been gaining some traction on social media, with participants posting pictures of their “costume” under the hashtag, #reindeerboobs.

(And this is why we can’t have nice things like the Internet, people.)

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Though the concept is pretty self-explanatory, the reasoning for doing it falls more under the general category of “Wait- what?! And WHY??”.

The look is created by cutting a hole strategically into a sweater or shirt, and adding a pair of googly eyes, some antlers, and a strategically placed reindeer nose pastie. 

So imagine your next family holiday gathering- and picture Grandma sporting a big ‘ole #reindeerboob. There’s not enough spiked egg nog in the entire North Pole to weather that Christmas spectacular.

Breasts are a natural part of a woman’s body, and there’s no issue with that.

Now bedazzling them with glitter antlers for your next corporate Christmas party, on the other hand, seems rather bizarre. While I can appreciate the male anatomy, if I saw a man that threw a Santa beard on his junk and called it festive, well….

But lest you think reindeer boobs are a sexist thing, men are getting in of the fun, too! Reindeer boobs are an equal opportunity trend, apparently.

While I’m not sure I want to see ANY reindeer boobs this holiday season, these hairy reindeer nips are definitely not likely to put these guys on Santa’s “good” list. 

The holiday season should be fun and festive, but hairy-nip-free, if you ask me. 

And, while we’d like to think reindeer boobs are a thing of years past, think again. Unfortunately, memes are being created, and reindeer boobs will probably show up again every year forever and ever because isn’t social media great like that? 

So, here’s to hoping your holidays are merry, and bright- and perky!


  1. “Breasts are a natural part of a woman’s body, and there’s no issue with that.”

    Then we can stop hearing from people about breastfeeding in public? Because that’s their natural function.



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