Use These Conception Date Calculators To Find Out When You Conceived


Fertility, pregnancy, and conception can be confusing.

Many people don’t fully understand the process of conception, let alone how to calculate conception and pregnancy dates.

But don’t worry — these conception date calculators have you covered!


You can use these conception date calculators to figure out when you conceived.

This can be helpful for a variety of reasons. You’ll most likely want to be certain your due date is as accurate as possible.

You may be concerned about exposure to a particular substance. (Was I already pregnant when I drank those margaritas? Was I pregnant when I used that medication?)

You may even want to know the conception date so you can be more certain about paternity. In that case, the answer to “When did I get pregnant?” is pretty important.

Of course, if you’re just a Type-A super-planner, you can also use these conception date calculators to plan your ideal time to get pregnant in the future. Simply choose your preferred due date and work backward.

(If that’s the case, you’ll definitely also want to check out these ovulation calculators to make sure you know your fertile window.)

Often, a simple conception date calculator is best has a very simple conception calculator. All you have to do is enter your due date and voila! Out spits your (estimated) conception date. What I really like about this particular conception date calculator is the explanation it offers beneath the calculator.

Dating pregnancies is a little wonky because you’re considered two weeks pregnant when you ovulate — before you’ve even conceived.

Many women don’t discover this until their first prenatal appointment when their OB tells them they’re two weeks further along than they expected.

This calculator tries to educate users with a detailed explanation of pregnancy dating and conception calculating right there on the page.

Looking for a conception date calculator with a little more detail?

Another helpful calculator to figure out when you conceived is from Baby Center. At first glance, it doesn’t look like a conception date calculator, but if you use the drop-down menu and select “I know my due date,” it will be.

Enter your due date and click “See my timeline.” At that point, it will take you to a complete breakdown of your entire pregnancy, including the date you conceived.

(As always, remember these calculators only provide an estimate, not necessarily the exact date.)

conception date calculators

What if I don’t know my due date?

If you don’t know your due date, you can still calculate when you conceived using these calculators as long as you know the date your most recent period began.

It’s even better if you also know the average length of your menstrual cycle. Most online calculators use a default of 28 days unless you manually change it yourself.

If you don’t know the date of your last period and you don’t know your due date, you’re not going to be able to use an online calculator to estimate your conception date. Every conception date calculator I’ve seen is based on one of these pieces of information.

These conception date calculators are both free and easy to use. If you’re not exactly sure when your baby was conceived, playing with these online calculators can sometimes be enlightening. 

If nothing else, they can also be a fun way to pass the time. After all, 40 weeks of pregnancy can seem a little long at times. While you’re at it, be sure to check out these other essential pregnancy and conception calculators.



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